Off Topic Landfill

Yes- please don’t think this will apply to a 2017 or a 2019 (which has not been released yet) :roll_eyes:

The selling price indicates a discount of about $2,000 below invoice minus incentives. I would assume the lease price is probably $3,000 higher. The equivalent APRs on the leases is much lower than the available APRs on purchases, although there aren’t acquisition or disposition fees on a purchase, just the comforting knowledge that you own the car for whatever its worth later on.

There are 2019 V90s out already and they are listed on dealers’ websites, FYI.

Not a single V90 T5 R-Design in stock in the entire United States, except two in Oklahoma City.

Not a single V90 T5 R-Design scheduled to be built assigned to any dealer in the western United States. There’s probably some that haven’t been assigned yet, but nothing in transit unless special ordered, which wouldn’t show on the locator.


Not ANY car is a better lease with a-plan, get it? Hence, my comment that only S90/V90. Make yourself clear and say “any V90”. A-plan only makes sense on these 2 models for both the customer and dealer, otherwise a-plan makes sense only for the dealer who gets 2% commission on every a-plan deal. So your persistence with a-plan for every Volvo in general only makes sense if you are a dealer, and I don’t believe you are. So help us, customers, to get best deals.
P.S. what if OP is open to ANY V90? :sunglasses:

If you want to keep arguing, you’re going to keep losing the arguments and looking like a fool. I’m trying to be helpful here, but it seems like your mission is to try to dispute everything I say, no matter how trivial. The OPs post was on a 2018 T5 R-Design. A normal person in a place like this would assume we’re talking about 2018s and only an idiot would think that a similar deal can be had on a 2019. I say “any car” meaning any V90 and you have to be the correction police and “clarify” for all the helpless people here. I can sit here and split hairs on many posts you make, but I don’t do that.

I was referring to availability of V90s like the OP is interested in and said there aren’t any, and you have to dispute that, generalizing to all V90s nation wide. The OP is in NorCal, get it? Do you think he wants to chase down a 2019 somewhere for what will certainly be a much higher payment?

I don’t need to lectured by you about being clear. If a poster finds something unclear, they can ask. This is a forum, get it?

Please show me where I recommend A-Plan outside of S90/V90. I’m well aware that other models may have $750 and that’s not enough to overcome a mediocre dealer discount. With $3,000, I think A-Plan is hard to beat and a customer can have a lot more choices. I definitely mention A-Plan when someone is asking about an S90/V90 because it gets to hassle free pricing that is very difficult to get a dealer to go to. As I have mentioned before (more than once), since the dealer comes out good on it, getting them to write a lease at the buy rate and with the acquisition fee at $695 cost is much easier to achieve when the dealer is not completely gutted on the discount required to even get near A-Plan on an S90/V90. Get it?

You can think I’m not a dealer- I couldn’t care less.

If the OP is open to ANY V90, he can let us know. If he wants a deal, he’s going to need to stick with a 2018. Or do you want to continue proving your point that there are some 2019 V90s around in stock that are thousands of miles away and the wrong model?

Who’s an idiot here? Has it been released or not?:grin:
Besides, I did not specify which V90 nor did I say they are on dealers’ lots.
And yeah, you probably sold cars in the past, but not any more. You just have your old contacts at Volvo dealership. You are too sloppy with the info you provide for an active salesperson :wink:

You’re the idiot. You seemed to feel threatened by somebody that knows more about Volvo then you ever will and makes it your mission to seem superior by disputing every little thing that isn’t stated with with precision that covers every irrelevant contingency.

There are some 2019 V90s on dealer’s lots, but nothing matching the OP’s vehicle of interest in the western region. Why don’t you ask clarification questions instead of trying your best to discredit me every chance you get. Your assumptions, lack of common sense, and hostile behavior as a moderator here is shameful.

I’m here to learn and help. What about you?

Go ahead- take a look. No- I guess you can’t. Ursus seems to have blocked access.

Checking for cjcjcj (not Ursus)

I’m fine, thanks. But clarification will help others who may be under 500 but above 100.

@Ursus - I already said 500 is the minimum. I don’t expect you to believe me, so feel free to check for yourself. I wasn’t checking how to sign up for you.

You replied to my post so I responded. But then you edited yours.

Checking for cjcjcj (not Ursus)you

Nothing to do with trust, just facts. If it changed - fine, I have other info directly from Volvo. Clear this out for the benefit of all, if you can.

I responded to the tread, not @Ursus and thought it was clear I was responding to cjcjcj. Since you thought I was responding to you, I edited my post and responded to you, who thinks the number of employees is 100+, even though I explained that the number was increased to 500+. I don’t need to clarify that- I got it from the head of A-Plan directly a couple of weeks ago. They will be reviewing applications quarterly now. If you want clarification on that issue, feel free to use your own sources.

I just asked you if it was a recent change since I have my info from 5 months ago. But now I will contact my a-plan person on Monday and will report back.

My reply when you asked the first time:

Your charming reply:

I look forward to hearing back what you find out… :roll_eyes:

It’s only worthwhile at this time when it’s on an S90/V90 because it’s $3,000. On a car where it’s $750, it’s usually a cinch to out-discount it. Some cars don’t get it all right now.

A shady dealer could try to double-dip and give it to the customer, but it will just come back to bite them if they get caught in an audit. The only one who wins in that scenario is the customer who got the incentive they weren’t supposed to get. It’s more likely an incompetent dealer that will discount below A-Plan. Or Ursus’ mythical dealers that have permission to do so.

Like I said, whatever it is - I will report back. I don’t pretend to be right every time, but do want correct info posted here.

Knock yourself out.

I didn’t see you suggesting to beemer he might be able to sign up his company for A-Plan. This is what I saw:

I said it takes about a month to sign up (it used to), but I noticed it’s being done quarterly now after looking at some emails in researching who to contact to sign up a new company. So, it could take more than a month.