Off Topic Landfill 5

the po-po got mine too

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I went to the first post that I saw that derailed and hit “select this post and below”. Apparently one post slipped through the cracks.

Those numbers are from May. Anyway, I’m going to stay off OP’s thread.

@asifbhagat - Nice car, btw.

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please send me a message on the RDX and X3 available deals. Thanks!

you source many clients from this community, some people here will always go directly through a dealer since they know the game as well, but if you’re gonna be tight with info and only this this community as a source for business leads, as far as I’m concerned, you can f off.

This community is based on sharing info, and there’s enough to go around, no need to be stingy

Was it men or women giving the compliments?..If it was women it’s okay I won’t tell the wife… :rofl:

If it’s for the sake of flipping I will give you a pass, but any other single man that doesn’t have a wife to indirectly blame this purchase on needs to get their manhood re-evaluated.

I am also dying to know why the guy who ordered 15 Wranglers changed all his profile information

Don’t let these haters hate LoL. Those Tuskys fetching nice coin at auction.


It’s not the first time it’s happened with that individual

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Deleted his account cause he would get flamed for no reason.


Without those decals, a pink Jeep will fetch nothing more than a sneer. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I mean to be fair he made a whole thread blaming a dealership/broker for a funding issue on his car that had nothing to do with either entity…also modded the car immediately after delivery and expects the dealership to pay for the mods due to the funding issue.

Then comes on here talking about how he ordered 15 Wranglers under an LLC with his friends/family listed as “owners” of said LLC which I would be willing to bet is BS but hey who knows.


If it’s for the sake of flipping I will give you a pass, but any other single man that doesn’t have a wife to indirectly blame this purchase on needs to get their manhood re-evaluated.

I’d say it makes make them more secure and maybe you should reevaluate yours :upside_down_face:


Yeah, kinda like the “tough guys wear pink” T-Shirt my mom bought for me when I was in 2nd grade.

Unless its a RubyStone Red PTS Porsche, I don’t think I can in good conscious drive around a pink car no matter the circumstances. :sweat_smile:

In the name of making 10K I may be willing to endure the pain for a couple weeks if need be haha

Sounds like you need your manhood re-evaluated if the color of a car jeopardizes it that much. Sorry you are so insecure.


Coming from the guy who has his gym selfie as his profile pic on a lease hacking website.

This is lease hacker not

You like what you see? I do birthday parties if you’re interested :partying_face:


Some days I wish the internet was never created.


Smart idea, I’m sure kids would get a good laugh seeing a guy like you hop out of a Tuscadero Wrangler.