Off Topic Landfill 5

You like what you see? I do birthday parties if you’re interested :partying_face:


Some days I wish the internet was never created.


Smart idea, I’m sure kids would get a good laugh seeing a guy like you hop out of a Tuscadero Wrangler.

You should be banned from this forum judging others for their choice of colors that they like.

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Please tell me this is you’re wife car and you don’t actually drive this around all the time?

Don’t make me want that dreadful pink more than I already do. Also, I like the theory of the hinge gate reinforcement but it looks horrible.

LOL… I like it minus the wheels (ok, but not my favorite look). I prefer the more off-road style Jeeps, so I would likely order a Rubicon.

There’s usually 3-4 cars around between keepers and quick movers and I drive whatever.

So far the pink has gotten a lot more compliments than the 392s.

Also, I’m color blind when it comes to maximizing profits


Embrace the pink. You know you want it


@Bchase can you send me his contact info. Thanks a lot

I used to respect her. Now she either had gone completely senile, or becoming a paragon of ultra left ideas was the deal she had to sign to get back in Fed.

Either way, awful.


Hey come on now…we all know the Orange Man was bad. Senile man is the savior…He brought us Marxism, Racism, relying on our enemies for oil, and all good and services.

The finale is giving away your freedom, and money to illegals who will comply, all in the name of “Global Warming” <—- the new agenda after Fauci got exposed and people aren’t complying the way they want with the lab leak virus.

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Anyone over 65 shouldn’t be allowed in public office anymore. I feel like faced with their own mortality, they’re trying to do as much collateral damage as possible before they go.

Scary to think she’s the only person between this economy chugging along and basically mad max…it’s extremely fragile and that’s coming from someone that was scared of the national debt in 2009


I have too setup my 63 yr old neighbors remote at least once a month…and no matter how many times I explain WiFi she still doesn’t get it.

I could not agree more.

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They give them iPhones too. My 91 yr old grandma and her phone are a disaster but at the same time quite entertaining.

Ugh I just look at that then myself when I see kids doing their tik toks.


you were definitely the guy in the viking helmet on january 6th, right?


Thought I saw you.

Do you only read headlines? I mean the dailycaller clearly knows its audience, but let me do the simple math for you. $150 trillion/30 years = $5 trillion annually, approx. 6% of annual gdp in 2020. Comparing the estimated cost over the next 30 years to the annual gdp is a fallacy for the sole purpose of riling up the braindead.

You and @JD81, and the rest of the q-anon brain trust should really just sit back and wait for JFK Jr. to save the world.


Yes, using logic, stating facts, and calling out misleading propaganda must mean I’m a democrat. Unlike you, I’m not defined by my political affiliation. I have no compassion for willful ignorance whether from the left or right.