No need for meme. This makes it’s own meme. Please enjoy JLR products in its natural habitat going the fastest it will ever go trouble-free - on the back of a tow truck
just awful. cant wait for those 2 brands to finally fold. the infiniti of england.
reminded about this by 2022 LR Discovery broken down on way home from dealer - recourse? - #42 by StingerTT
You can assume they can’t get the window to roll up either
7 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2022 LR Discovery broken down on way home from dealer - recourse?
You owe me a new monitor
Are these leasing badly too? Budget is tight
Complete sentences
Here is what happened obviously. OP got to drive the RR for close to free since apparently, the equity was what he paid up. Unfortunately, he chose to then commit a blunder by leasing a shitty Cayenne.
And that, my friends, is the wealth effect. You don’t need to be rich to be happy, you just need to feel that you are rich. In this case, OP of the 15k thread felt he had uncovered a 15k windfall and proceeded to promptly finance the boat payment of the local Porsche dealer …
And I would not be surprised, if we went even further and discovered the RR lease was with 5k down and 5k “trade allowance” free money…