Where do you invest your money?

Congrats if you played uvxy today!!! Better then a tip from Nancy pelosi


I decided to invest in my own development. Because I want to achieve great success in business. I like online business. Sales and purchases. I’m thinking of investing in the development of my website. It’s expensive, but I’m willing to do it. Now I have to study a lot of information here and learn a lot of new things.

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No bueno…


:eyes::man_shrugging: Assuming they deliver anything this year (even just positive press, given their sector), this could be considered pretty cheap right now. (Teens volume at the moment, play at your own risk)


I’m seriously thinking of “investing” in a good mattress to stuff cash in, based on how the stock markets have been going.

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With current inflation that isn’t investing. More like having a depreciating asset.


I do need a mattress upgrade too…


Well I guess the gig is over. With the market plummeting, rates rising and crypto tanking were heading into a recession…


That’s like basing economic climate on Pokemon cards.


If $4 Trillion worth of assets dropping to $1.27 trillion is similar to Pokémon cards to you then you have no clue about monetary economics and its effects macro economics, not to mention crypto.

Crypto will be scapegoat for the coming crash, just like NINA loans were the scapegoat for the 08 crash.

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didn’t want to continue anywhere but off-ramp.

So… do I consider fictional money to be the same as Pokemon cards? Yes, I do. Actually, Pokemon cards are slightly higher on the list since you have a physical card with picture, so it has some tangible value, albeit like a penny. As long as enough people at once decide that crypto is silly vaporware, it will crash and have no impact on the world. They are not real assets. That $4 trillion doesn’t and didn’t actually exist. Do I have a clue what I’m talking about? No. This is purely a philosophical standpoint on my part. Whomever is the last holding the bag may be up shit’s creek, but everyone else who suckered them is sitting pretty.


I here adjustable rate mortgages are back in vogue

This Is Fine GIF


Like you said, that’s your philosophical view. Reality is, blockchain technology, what Coins and Tokens operate on, is as innovative as the internet. There are a lot of ponzis, rug pulls, etc but there is fundamental technology that will alter and disrupt many industries.

Blockchain technology and protocols are hard to grasp for non-programmers (and a certain generation) but I hope you do some open minded research and I’m sure you’ll be interested, if not impressed.

I’ve read up on it. I’m not saying the tech isn’t impressive. I just can’t fathom how a piece of code that only exists for the sake of itself is worth any amount of USD. It stinks of pyramid scheme to me.

Here’s the way I see crypto:

I sell you an invisible hamster for $10. I walk away with $10 in exchange for nothing.

You convince 100 people to each give $20 for 1% of the invisible hamster. You walk away with $2000 for nothing.

Each of those 100 people convince 1000 other people to each give $20 for 0.001% of the invisible hamster. Those 100 people each walks away with $20,000 for nothing.

The world comes to the realization that the invisible hamster isn’t real and nobody wants to buy a part of him anymore. 100,000 people are out $20 each for being idiots and caught holding something worthless when the market came to its senses. Meanwhile, I made $10, you made $2k, and 100 randos made $20k ea by finding the next sucker in line.


That’s the thing, just because its not tangible doesn’t mean it’s worthless, especially if it part of a larger ecosystem, like Ethereum Smart Contracts… do more research, it’ll start making sense.

Shiba, Doge, all meme coins are like u said, worthless.

Avax, Aave, Solana, etc are actual technologies with ecosystem being build on them.

First prototypes rolled off the line in Europe. I think there’s a good chance they’ll get some out the door.

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Not really, pretty rare statistically .

but if those had actual value, then it wouldn’t be a popularity contest. Why is DGB, which is a blockchain system, worth a fraction of Doge? Just because it is what people “feel” like paying. Feelings are worthless. lol.
I’m sure I’m just being old fashioned, but I seriously doubt I could ever convince myself otherwise.

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read the room. he was joking. haha.

Smart contracts are super overhyped. Everyone talks about the “tech” when it’s just another grift which has been around for about a decade now and failed to produce anything meaningful of value.

We are re-iterating finance and calling it “ de-fi” while undergoing all the same exploits and problems that make the current system what it is. And it turns out modern banking works really well for 99.99% of uses. No I don’t need to send 100k settled to Japan tomorrow , that’s not a realistic issue for vast vast majority of people.

It’s a gigantic liquidity bubble that has risen from simply too much money in the system. One that is rapidly popping.

Still waiting for eth2 btw, how many months/years are we overdue now ?