Toyota cancelled allocations as of August 16th for next 60-90 days

How is that even possible when there isn’t MSRP info or any type of build allocation going one?


I wish I could go back and send this to the dozens and dozens of people who slid into my DM’s telling me that they’ll “wait” cause they know that this crisis will be over long before the end of 2021. This was back in April / May. Same people now begging me for the deal I offered back then. Top sales reps for Toyota along with top GM’s and Manager’s knew about this along time ago. The outsiders looking in were acting like the experts with little to no knowledge giving uniformed opinions causing many people to wait month after month on a false promise as deals became worse and worse with no end in sight.


Haah isn’t that normally the case lol


lol ya but we are all lease hackers here. You can almost predict the time of the year the deals get sweeter and if you’re shopping in the wrong month due to residuals, MF’s or rebates offered. Waiting isn’t always a bad thing, but this time a round it’s been horrible for a lot of people.


Anyone know if the 2021/2022 Sienna is affected? I believe that’s manufactured in the USA?

Yes, it is affected and it will still be manufactured in the States


On fence about a Lunar Rock 4Runner TRD Pro at $2k over. Had one at sticker earlier missed it.

You really did miss it. Mine’s over 25k

Should I put deposit on the incoming one at $2k?

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They’re extremely boring cars to drive. I know that’s an unpopular statement but the interior is lackluster, they lack power, and while they’re a cult classic, you need to be bought in.

I got myself into a 19 for like $5000 off and dumped it after a week or so.


You broker Toyota, how could you???

It’s a car I wanted to love but I was so underwhelmed. I love the Tacos, I liked the Tundra (although it’s a bit of a dinosaur), but the 4R is an acquired taste imo. It’s just so boring unless you’re bought into that.

And if you get a great deal it’s an awesome flip.

$2K over doesn’t provide any addtl bloodflow.


Agreed it is like an Atari on wheels in the age of PlayStation 5.

Could sell it for a easy buck.

Someone needs to grab all the G Wagons around!

If it makes you feel better, I’m an outsider and I called this. I also got laughed at by some.


This. I would go so far as to say it’s probably an understatement to say they lack power. I mean this thing is a heavy ass truck, doesn’t move at all.

Lot of folks use pedal commander with 4Runners to get some feedback from throttle. Loved, loved, loved the looks and appeal of it until I drove it. Swore to myself that unless they put a V8 in this thing, I’ll never buy it.

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Quite a few people in CO spend the $250 and get it tuned either with the KDMax or OV Tune…I keep trying to talk myself into it. They all say it is worth it, makes a difference, etc…

In CO the Tacoma & 4Runner are basically the state vehicle.

Nobody wanted to hear it, but we were right, and it’s far from over.

I just listened to the last 2 Bloomberg/GS podcasts, lots of insights about more possible disruptions, as well as what to expect for the coming months. But nobody will listen to that either, they’ll speculate all the cars are hidden in the storage lots, even though retail sales numbers had to be reported “ex-auto” because of the multiple ways the current mess is skewing the numbers.


Why didn’t you tell us? Unless I missed it