Msrp: 50xxx
Loaner : 2xxx miles
Sales price with (1000 OL) : 39000
Msd: 2100 ( max) P/mo : 263 (23 payments)
Incentives: 6750 (2500 loyalty, 3250 lease cash, 1000 college grad)
RV: 63% - adjust for mileage
10k/24 mo 1k DAS
Been getting a lot of PMs if this would be replicable and asking for the dealer info to get the same deal.
it’s hard to replicate though deffintley not impossible
you would need 20% off MSRP
dealer validates and pays their part of 500 for the 1000 OL credit
college Grad,
If I can help in any other way please let me know
dealer asked me not to disclose details, however one aggressive dealer I have talked to is BMW of reading in Pa, this is not the dealer I got this car from but they are very aggressive with their pricing
The steps I took to secure the deal
go on auto trader search for all BMW 430 GC less than 5k miles within 200 miles from me
spent the day sending emails to each dealer if the car was Availible and if so what is the sales pre incentives
started emailing dealers back who were at at least 13-15% off pre incentives already
asked them to go to 21% off msrp
finally waited and one came back saying he will go 20% but no more because he would get penalized by BMW
after he said yes he gave me the numbers with the following included , 20% off, lease cash, loyalty
I asked him to apply College grad and tell me the numbers
I told him to apply OL ( had to educate him on what an OL was)
got the numbers for a 36/10 lease and told him to switch to 24/10 (he said it would cost more money I said just do it and make sure to adjust residual, he was shocked.
I then went into the dealership and talked to the finance manager, asked him to waive acquistion and then Max MSDs
that’s how I got to the magic number of 275
Good luck everyone happy hunting seems like BmW season is not over yet
Thanks to everyone one who helped educate me as well as the brokers who said this wouldn’t be possible hehe lol jk love you guys
Will update with pic later just enjoying the crap outa of it right now lol
Well, if your drive off was $0 and you only have to make 23 more payments at $275, your total cost for the term is $6325. Since you get to actually use the car for 24 months, your effective payment is $6325/24, or ~$263.xx.
Lol yes I was but this time had an OL code this car was cheaper than my 3 series lol but I did have to use MSDs
Edit: my grad discount would have expired end of this month so got lucky
Trying to get a 5 series currently for under 300 if I do, il transfer my 3 series
Probably I got an extra 2 k off (1k college grad and 1k OL) so might not be possible for everyone but the loyalty and lease cash is 5750 so that’s quite good however the residual is 57-63% depending on 36/24 month term.
Do you live in NY? Calc has NJ taxes. OL code should be taxed, yes? Not part of dealer discount? Can you plug in the exact numbers from your contract? Not really working out for me right now in the calculator. Which dealer was this, BTW? Just curious who else in NJ discounts this well. I had a hard time finding a good dealer in NJ.
Yeah this was the last month that college grad for me was valid so had to close and couldn’t shop around for a better deal, however a big key was the dealership accepting to pay their part of the 500 from the OL code even though it was an out of state OL code and not from the Meadowlands drive event
Edit: best part of the OL was it took one click to get lol I didn’t have to go to the event or anything just register
It should be transferable I mean the car is registered to my wife and I received the OL and they applied it. And not sure they asked for the registration for my 3 series. That was about it, not sure what they do behind the scenes though