Off Topic Landfill

1.) Way better deals can be had

2.) Wrong section - delete and repost in “share deals and tips”

Just got a 2020 CX-5 Grand Touring AWD with pp - 15k miles for

$330/month including taxes
$0 DAS - just first month and DMV fees

It can be done!

Wrong thread - Delete and post elsewhere in “share deals and tips.”

Skip the broker and save $500.

Just go to the dealership yourself, say you want this deal at this price and ask them to meet it or beat it!

Worked for me and my brother.

I got into a CX-5 GT for $330/month with 12k miles, 36 months.

Took the great advice I got here including from a great broker and got a great deal on the 2019 CX-5 Grand Touring for $335/month, 12k miles, with remote start thrown in.

You don’t need a broker. Just go into the dealerships nearest to where you live and tell them
what deal you want (verbatim from this page/post) and ask them to meet it or beat it.

I guarantee you a dealer will meet it. They want to sell you a car and won’t BS you if they know you did research. Worked for me and my girlfriend.

These deals sound great but I recommend saving the $500 broker fee and just doing the deal yourself. Did it recently and got the exact deal I wanted using the numbers on this site.


2019 or 2020? Any das and where u located?

@Newyork123 I don’t think posting your comment on this thread is the right thing to do.

Also, not everyone has the time to go around multiple dealerships trying to get the deal they want. Some value their time more than they value paying a broker fee.

Not cool to spam this brokers thread. Especially since he probably could’ve gotten you better numbers than you are quoting…

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link plz please

Link me please.

link please

Link me please!

Link please

HI, is it possible to know which dealer and may I have the invoice? mine is, looking to buy a car very quick. thank you very much

also @ toms4711, @ spencertimm can you send me some quote you get? I mean official quote with the dealer information. I tried. But did not get it. Thanks.
Want to buy it tomorrow

Link please. Thanks.

Don’t post the same multiple times

Link Please!

Hey Boston sorry to blow up your feed I know there’s one day left and I’m trying to get my hands on a car. Any chance you have a deal like this or any momentum’s left. Looking to sign this minute. Thank you. I’m in NJ