I saw one killer Audi A4 loaner deal on here, just don’t really know the specifics to how it works compared to other brands.
Yea, seems worthwhile to build some knowledge on what discounts are possible there too, I may go kick some tires at my local dealer to get a sense of things and share back.
This is the one I was referencing, granted it had large upfront costs, still amazing for an a4. $287/ MONTH, Balck on Balck 2017 A4 Quattro Lease DAL! Tampa Fl., Today only! **previous service loaner** SOLD
I tried to get a a6 loaner and the quotes were super high the best quote I got out of 3 quotes was msrp of $55,675 sell price $37,288 that’s 33% off msrp 36/10k $454 plus tax $1500 drive offs so I passed
I recall we had a brief flurry of A6 deals here last year, I guess the residuals and discounts were lining up. Did you look at Audicare, MSDs and or a one pay to see how that changed the monthly?
Checked one VA dealer dealer and most 2017-2018 low mileage ones have 2 owners: about 5 month personal lease and 1-2 months rental, even though it looks like they all stay at the dealer. Maybe that’s how Audi operates?
Here is one Corp Fleet, one owner:
MRSP was $50,250 and sell price is $41,440!
It’s the best deal of the year! Come on in and we can explore lease option.
We currently have 2 people coming to see tonight!
17.5% off on a demo with almost 8K miles
For posterity, I started poking around on demo Q5s. I’m not seeing big discounts vs new.
Model was $52k Prem Plus, 5k miles, buy rate MF but only a 9% discount. SUVs are harder, especially the Q5 so I’m going to look for some A4s to make an apples to apples comparison to the E300s. Either way, not pretty!
2017 C300 P3 at 22% off
21% off
Can one apply fleet/association to these? (I show $2,000 on 2017 C300s).
If applicable can get a sub $300 price on these.
It’s been discussed million times here, including today. Just read most recent MB threads.
I have posted elsewhere many times but for those searching for a bmw loaner The easiest way to search for bmw loaners/demos is go to cars.com or autotrader, etc. Search for used, and the car and year, 2018 in this case. Almost every 2018 at a bmw dealership with less than 5000 miles will be a demo. Check the carfax, it will say something like “dealer took possession”.
I made an offer on the blue 230 vert that wasn’t too far off that number when 2017s were still leaseable.
A demo, I guess