Leasing a car , unemployed

Without tax returns they would stip for bank statements and possibly a lease or contact.

It’s been discussed before:

Which gets at the OP’s problems

  • no auto history
  • that OP may be a decent credit risk for repayment, but not collateral risk

:point_up_2:t2: all of the angles are discussed in the Credit Thread if you haven’t read through it

  • you may not have “income” but more than enough assets to qualify
  • income doesn’t have to be a job-job, people have alimony and trusts and distributions, but if that counts as your income it has to be consistent over a period of time. Gig work, OnlyFans, Adult Entertainment may apply
  • credit app will ask about all sources of incomes
  • it’s possible you may not be stipped (I was on my first lease with A Tier credit, a six-figure income, and auto history), but
  • if you answered the questions about income untruthfully in attempt to get a lease, thar be fraud

So why not?

episode 7 lol GIF by The Good Place