I want to assume a lease, I can easily pay off the whole lease one time (9 months) but BMWFS denied my application

Guys I just joined and can’t make my own post so im piggybacking here

I want to assume a lease, I can easily pay off the whole lease one time (9 months) but BMWFS denied my application.

Is it possible to try and assume this car lease through a third party? Like for example, go to a private dealership or even BMW themselves, give them the cash so they can assume the lease under their name and hand over the car to me for the next 9 months?

I really want this lease, money is not even an issue.

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Unfortunately, if they denied you, it’s over. Time to move on.


The only other thing you can try is to have a cosigner. BMWFS will allow you to amend your application to add a cosigner manually without paying another application fee. If that doesn’t work either, it is the end of the line.:cry:

No I will not take that as an answer

there has to be a way. Lease broker? I pay him to lease the car? etc?

You can appeal with a cosigner or you can move on.

There isn’t a third party that can buy out the lease and then give you the vehicle.

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Work on your credit and try again in the future when it has improved

In the meantime all you can do is pay cash or see if you’ll be approved for financing on a purchase

Brokers and third parties have 0 influence on transfer applications

Can’t do anything mate.

This is a straw purchase and very illegal.


I like your passion.


BMWFS is stingy with transfers, especially now.

If your income and credit history aren’t equal to or better than the original lessee you’ll likely be denied, even if you would be approved for a new lease.

How good is this transfer?

Sheesh… I feel bad for the OP of this thread, he didn’t get a single answer before his thread was highjacked to high heaven

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You couldn’t read 25 posts in 10 topics in 10 minutes?


Work on my credit? my credit is good, just no history since I’m 19

I have enough to buy the car, I just rather lease it for the 9 months that’s left on it which totals to $14k

There has to be someone willing to help me get this lease. I’ll offer $1000 to any broker and give them the 9 months payment upfront. A broker would love that

Broker leases car for $14k hoping to make profit in the long run after 9 months interests
Instead Broker gets $15k same day not having to worry about me missing a single payment

14K over 9 months is over 1500/mo payment - no wonder you won’t be getting approved. What M car are you looking at?

its a 2018 M5

A broker has absolutely zero control over this.

You’re asking for a solution that doesn’t exist.

This isn’t a case of no one wanting to help. It’s that no one can help. A broker can’t do what you’re asking for. It isn’t an option.


oh well. how risky is it paying the owner of the lease upfront and using the car?

he offered that option but idk if its legal

Best case scenario, he’d be violating his lease contract. Worst case scenario, you’re looking at a federal bank fraud felony.


Zero chance you get approved. Just go get a new one it might be cheaper or around the same effectively

felony for what? i make his payments, i drive his car?

not saying i would, just saying

This thread reminds me of the 900/mo M3. It’s going nowhere and fast


No, your credit straight up sucks. It’s called an empty score/profile. You may find it difficult to get approved on any lease without a cosigner, let alone a takeover of a $120k BMW.

Please stop discussing illegal straw purchases etc or this thread will be locked. We are not here for legal advice. We are here for leasing advice. And multiple people have already told you that you’re SOL. So move on.