HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 4)

Plenty of dealers will give deep discounts with affiliate, well beyond the 1% under invoice it is supposed to be.


Im very happy with mine

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Agreed. Tread lightly gives dealers two more points to work with making the big discounts easier to give. You just have to wait the 30 days after getting it

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This. It was miserable getting my 1.5 year old in and out of her rear facing seat. Rarely took the wrangler because of it. The back door opening is just so tight. We have the swivel seats in my wifeā€™s 4Runner and thatā€™s a breeze, insanely easier.

Anyone seen the new June numbers for the 2022 GC 4XE yet?

They havent updated yet

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Here is the correct thread:

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Thank you! Are the May numbers valid through today?

I bet. I was happy with my 2018 GC SRT until I had issues with truck space when my son was born. A CG would work now without the grunt of 5.7 V8

4xe gc makes a decent bit more power than the 5.7 v8 available in the wl.

Yes, but without the V8 sound and flared fenders, and snout. All good thou

Is access fund no longer a thing? IIRC Access Fund was $50 and tread lightly is $100?

Technically Access Fund is no more but theyā€™re an option on the Affiliate website still. Iā€™d use Tread Lightly to be sure. Good cause and free t-shirt.

Looks like WA/OR lost about $2k in lease cash - down from $14,500 (before Private offer) to $12,500:

ID lost 1500. I slept on some aged units thinking incentives would only get better, oh well

Have new incentives been posted on Jeep website?

Why donā€™t you check yourself:

I see the June documents


I am not a dealer so donā€™t have access to this information. Thanks for sharing

Everyone can click on that link

Iā€™m not sure everything is loaded Iā€™m showing no support for the 2022 GC 4xe in Michigan right now and that canā€™t be right (except 7500)