I just left a message and sent an email. Thank you for all the information it’s been very helpful.
How did it go with Bolt. All rebates were taxable?
The dealer might be right. I just looked at Bolt calculator from the below.
The tax rate in that calculator is 0%, so how were any of the incentives actually taxed?
Yea I messed around with that but if you zero out the tax rate on the calculator it doesn’t add tax for money in the taxed incentives line.
NJ has zero sales tax on EVs so while the rebates are “taxable”, there’s no “tax” to charge.
Explain to the dealer that he is wrong.
I want to see his face. LOL
I put it in that way because NJ DOES tax rebates, but the tax rate is zero on an electric car.
This was my assumption, I’m letting the dealer know now, because it’s the only hang up on the deal at this point.
I have a leased Leaf that I paid zero tax on so I didn’t think he was correct but I don’t think I had rebates on it.
Is this an NJ dealer? They probably don’t understand how it works if they are not. They may need to fill out some state tax exemption forms or something like that.
They are a NJ dealer.
@endeavorauto can You help us on this?
Well if sales tax on the vehicle is zero, how would the rebates be taxed? They get taxed at the rate of the car.
I’ll do this deal just to make this thread end
When the tax rate is 0%, what’s the difference between taxed and untaxed incentives?
Idk, sounds like a trick question.
If the dealer tries to make a few $$ here and there he can tell You whatever he wants.
Last time i heard from the finance manager that part of DMV cost is a sales tax. LOL
Sounds like you’re dealing with people who are stupid or people who think you are stupid.
Famous Long Island dealers and theirs brand new shiny boats