Closed on a GLC 350e - unicorn deal!


Year, Make, Model, and Trim:
Saved Numbers on Leasehackr Calculator:

**MSRP: $55,845
**Selling Price: $39,849
**Monthly Payment: $287.05
**Cash Due at Signing: $1,900
**MSD: 10
**Incentives: lease cash, fleet

**Months: 24
**Annual Mileage: 10k
**MF: 0.00099
**Residual: 64%

**Region: NorCal
**Leasehackr Score: 12


Congrats man. That truly is a fantastic deal.

Wow, was this a demo?

Great deal, is the 1900 including msds?

How did you get the selling price so low? New or demo?

10 MSDs would be $3500 or $4000, so the $1900 DAS cannot include the MSDs.

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$1900 DAS plus $4k on MSDs. I fiddled with calculator, guessed on tax but I’m off $10/mo

This was not a demo.
Came with 12 miles on it.

MSD were 3500 in addition, not included in the drive off


Any input on how to find this again? What kind of relay world range are you getting on electric?

It must be post-incentives. I got similar numbers when I signed my deal last week as well.

Also I’m guessing the monthly is pre-tax, as the leasehackr score will be way higher than 12 otherwise.

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Is there a published sheet that shows the incentives offered by Mercedes on lease / fleet, similar to what’s shared on bmw incentives? Would be great to have something to reference if trying to replicate deal.

What kind of incentives are available ?

4460 leash cash and 2500 fleet if applicable.

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Can you post a picture of the contract?

There is $4460 in lease cash and a $2K incentive. If you applied fleet then only $500 of it came through that.

Can anyone else due this in Socal?

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This is the deal i got. One Pay.

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Which norcal dealer did you close this deal with. TiA.

Which delaer did you get this deal from? Thanks for sharing the information.

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Can you please tell me the dealer and contact person?