BMW iX - All Electric SUV Discussion

0% rate - might be a hack soon - IX currently getting blown out

Its ugly bro


Check out the DBX

What about the dbx sire?

What’s with ix?

Good car with great value on lease.

Highly recommend especially from @IAC or @IAC_Scott.

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I am a big BMW fan (I had 2 in the past) and would be more that happy to get another one. Are there fantastic deals out there?

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The best deals.

No one can beat them.


IDK what’s uglier, the body or the “deal”

Function over form.

i would totally understand if he gets arrested for driving an iX

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No one gets arrested driving an iX. Ask @IAC_Scott

Staties move out of your way and tip their hat when you pass them.

barney stinson tru GIF


I see comments like this but don’t really see very good deals on LH.

Go to marketplace and you will see solid deals on the ix through brokers!


I have.

What I usually see is mid-700s to $1k with $3k-5k DAS and MSDs for SoCal.

Is that considered a good deal compared the to EQS/EQE hacks that were going on the last few months?

iX never had inventory pile up like the EQ cars so it’s like comparing oranges to apples.

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Isn’t there a thread here about oranges rotting on the lot? :slight_smile:

So is the iX more comparable to the EQE SUV in size? Passenger space seems smaller than the EQS but BMW always seemed to have smaller interiors to me for the same size class.

The X5 always irked me that it felt cramped.

Solid doesn’t cut it. Not when the obvious benchmarks are the spring 2023 EQS and recent Etron GT and RS deals.

The only shops that have them on the ground (that aren’t demo units) are ones that are not trying hard enough to sell them. It’s rare for me to have more than one or two arrive unsold on the floor as they come off the boat.

Most often it’s M60’s but a lot of that was due to the stop sale actions.

I had eqe suv and eqs suv and my buddy has ix. IX in terms of size is comparable to EQS SUV. Mercedes naming is deceiving. Imho eqe compares more ro X3/glc than x5/ix