BMW iX - All Electric SUV Discussion

Yeah see that’s not such a bad color combo.

Oyster would look way better than red-on-red

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At least it’s different. Nothing like pulling up to a stop light surrounded by 7 white Model 3s


I think you had a orange with red 440i in back in the day? This car looks very similar :slight_smile:

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Melbourne Red on Cognac Dakota.

It was a Tomato.


Maybe the BMW i4 needs its own thread?

that literally sounds perfect can you blow it out for me

Sure why not.

Don’t have one but I do have an orphaned inbound.

Literally base except for the exterior color, Black Sapphire Metallic.

With regard to the loyalty lease, are you referring to the 39-month program with the same RV as 36 months, and a lower money factor?


Yes, if the i4 was on that program, it would look really, really nice.


Something tells me it’s a matter of time before it gets on the program.
Stumbled upon a French news channel yesterday running a small debate about EV pricing and the current Tesla and Chinese EV manufacturers price decreases and why the Europeans are under heavy pressure to go the same route etc…when a subject like that is up for debate on TV you know consumers are going to be happy soon.

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Will the x3 be getting an electric variant any time soon? :thinking:

It already has one. We just don’t get it in the states.

I’ve driven it before. Without a doubt, the iX is leagues ahead.



I don’t think we could keep them in stock if they did bring it here.

I agree, since the iX3 feels just like an ICE-powered X3, and would therefore draw in those loyal to the BMW brand. From my perspective, however, it is so uncompetitive compared to other products in the compact premium crossover segment. EV sedans are not as commonplace, which helps to justify the existence of the i4, but I find the iX3 to be about as attractive as the EQB—which is to say, not at all.



Up to to 12% off. Only 12% more to go and we’re at a worthy lease


The One Where Estelle Dies Episode 15 GIF by Friends

You’re getting another 7-8% in the rebate.

I’ve also got a nice base one listed at +14% and lender tax credit for Texas buyer