Advice Please! 2021 430 BMW


Can someone make a meme for Reeves???


This is what a broker deal looks like on this car considering similar terms, MSRP and 6% FL tax w 2500 DAS

Please tell me you didnt sign the deal you were offered, if you did that lucky salesman probably was put on the next flight to Turks & Caicos

Their location would be 8.5%, though new tax rate is 7.5% after March now. Guessing though most dealers will write it at 8.5% and let BMWFS correct it.

Strong deals can still be had, just takes time or go the broker route.

I did, and the guy was supposed to call me back, an guy named Alex I think, I’m going to call him now, think they’re open today. Also, I learned everything about calculating the lease and boy did the “bend me over” so to speak. I am a little surprised and I will let them know. My best friend is moving back here, has fairly new Tesla but hates it and I told her to look at the x6, they just lost that business. The owner at Reeves does hate to lose long term customers but they just lost one. But thank you everyone for the advice, insults, etc., I’m joking it actually made me laugh and forced me to learn. The past 4 years have been tough as I was caring for my elderly mom and trying to grow a business when TGH killed her on Christmas Day, so I’ve been emotional and did not expect that from them. But I’m glad I learned and I will find a broker on here to deal with this for me, it’s worth the money. Cheers.


I can get you a much better deal, even after shipping, but I don’t have any with ventilated seats if that’s a must-have.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 5

Personal attacks are unnecessary.

Unless something’s changed recently, BMW’s ventilated seats are useless.

I just realized that I’ve stopped turning ours on.


I’m curious what the outcome of this was?

I can’t even get to your numbers at a no discount fully marked up deal, but I’m not an expert on FL fees. :thinking: Maybe you can look at how they wrote it up in order to learn.

That would be great, I’d love ventilated seats but not necessary. Thank you!

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I’ll send it to you in a few.

No, hold on please, I’ve been busy!

Is your credit below Tier 1?

Monthly rent charge = $135.38
MF = .001627

Max Tier 1 rate with full markup is .00133 IIRC

edit: deleted perfect match on LH calculator. I copy/pasted the wrong thing and I’m not re-doing it right now.


It is standard +, as I was taking care of my mother the last 2 years, after evil sibling spent her money, but they know me and the situation very well and the reactor for standard + was 0.00030 and I came up with much better numbers. My first time, so not sure I did it correctly.

I even put in the MSRP

I did call Wesley Chapel, I left the guy a message yesterday.

you didn’t get .00030. You got a fully marked up mf of .00133 with a .00030 addition for your credit for .00163.

I looked up standard + and it was the 0.00030, is that were they screwed me?

That is the additional charge for that credit tier

Buy rate MF (what the bank sets for Tier 1) right now (this varies monthly) is .00093

BMWFS allows the dealer to mark up the MF up to .0004 over buy rate for additional profit, if they choose to.

Your standard + credit added an addition .00030 mark up

.00093 + .0004 + .0003 = .00163