Worst leases you've seen

Damn, at least it could’ve been a M50i.

“No longer have use for the car.”

Sounds like a divorce and not even joint child custody


The sales team definitely made it rain after that Deal (pun intended)

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In Hialeah?!?!? :woozy_face: they had to have leased this from Braman on absolute dog shit tier credit, right?!?!? Holy moly.

EDIT: just noticed this wasn’t even an M50i model. Sheesh.

Are there any “honest” BMW dealers here in the SFL area?

Wonder where he got the 10k. Traded in Grammy’s car?


They can’t force you to sign it. If you’re willingly put $10k down with $5k over sticker, that’s on you.


He ‘payed’ $5K over…okiedoke.

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Car in background is a Tesla.

Pretty sure this is the same car that I found also comes with over 7500 miles of manager farts. I’m guessing he likes it too much and doesn’t actually want to sell it.

$32,307 to drive a $34,280.00 MSRP car for 3 years.

I’d hit that but only if it was the Touring with premium audio.


Looking for premium retirement automobile I see? A gentleman with class


And paying $60/month less than my neighbor’s gas-guzzling Pilot!

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:arrow_down: :exploding_head:

2022 KIA EV6 Wind RWD (All Electric) - Feb '22
Term: 36 month
Miles per year: 10k
Due at signing: $4000
Payment: $998 plus tax

48 Month - $915 plus tax

2022 KIA EV6 GT RWD (All Electric) - Feb '22
Term: 36 month
Miles per year: 10k
Due at signing: $4000
Payment: $1095 plus tax

48 Month - $991 plus tax


That’s not a ‘worst lease’ That’s a lease on Brand New Car with Crazy markup and Zero Incentives or Rebates

you’re paying the entire “MSRP” value of the car on a 48 month program - its nuts


Well the MSRP on a EV6 GT is $54k so not quite…but yes do not get the 48. It’s like going from a 24 to a 36 on an Alfa, the RV goes way down…though that looks like 15% Drop…Yikes

Effectively 1750+/mo on an M3? :no_mouth:

Honestly, this is what these models are now going for. I asked about a fairly loaded M4 Comp sticker around 95k, and they offered $1548 p/month with $5000 DAS. Hard, hard pass.

Looks like they got someone to sign on the dotted line though.

meh you can get an M3 way cheaper than that