Worst leases you've seen

What could he do, his dad was 625 FICO :man_shrugging:t4:


What are the odds it’s missing M5 parts and has 540i MSPORT parts swapped in /sarcasm?

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Someone is paying their mortgage off of this guy. $2777 plus insurance on this car. :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

$880/mo for a Q50… yeah, it’s a Red Sport, but still


Something wrong with my statement?

What? 101010

The link is to the OP’s bad lease deal. But the preview will often show the last reply.

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Understood. Thank you.

2019 STI s209 24 mos, 10k year, $2500 a month!!!
OK, so I work at a Subaru dealer, fixed ops, and I was just told of a LEASE that someone did earlier this year on this STI s209. Just not sure if it was 24 or 36 mos but either way, those are Ferrari numbers! Those WRX customers sometimes thin thats what they drive anyways. Bahaha

What was the markup on it? That’s essentially 60k in two years to drive a 65k dollar car (MSRP)

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Here’s the juicy part, the contract

Sounds like a made-up story. There are limits to how much a bank will loan. I highly doubt Chase would approve a LTV ratio of over 250%.


Holy crap, who knew that such an overpriced Subaru existed, the ultimate Fan Boi car

Even at 120% of MSRP, crap residual and high MF, still not over $2000k/mo

Oh standby, rerun at made up 24mo numbers, maybe it is possible

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Friend was so excited so I kind of felt bad and just told him get a broker next time…

E300, ~$75k MSRP $1200/m 3 year 36k miles :frowning:

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Wish it was made up, I am not supposed to see invoices after a sale but they needed to give me VIN for a part so thats what they used. I saw it, it was $248x something and I said to the manager, “no way someone paid that for a lease?!” He said, yea they paid $12k over sticker as well! And drove from about 750 miles away to get it! SMH

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Was told they marked it up $12k


So my made numbers were pretty close… Lol

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Nice, and I can do you one better, my manager saw the sheet again today, its actually $2980 a month!! I feel for this guy but its your fault when you get burned this bad. Before this site helped me lease my Challenger scat, I overpaid on my wifes Explorer lease by $50 to $100 so I somehwat get it. But paying $70k on a lease (was def not a purchase) that gets turned in and $5k more would have purchased the car?! Im so lost. The sales manager told me the guy said he would trade it or buy it at end, not turn in?