Worst leases you've seen

Just got a quote from a dealership…I just started laughing

2018 Lamborghini Urus (Used)
30,000 DAS
5100+Tax 36/7500
247k MSRP



What a steal! Where do I sign?



Hey it’s only $213600+ tax to drive it for 3 years then give it back, what a steal!


With a RV of 2%

I just got a quote on 2019 55k rs400. $419 with 9k down…lol

Probably not the worse I have seen but the most recent “comical” offer I got…
710$ on 36/10, 0 DAS for a 45k Mini Cooper Countryman Plug in / Given to me in person after the test drive!

I’ll never understand why mini’s have such a high price…$45k for a mini…no thanks

I took some mental abuse from a VW dealer in SoCal recently…
2019 eGolf
Msrp 33200
Rv in low 30s
Mf equivalent of almost 9% apr, tier 1!
36 mo 7500 miles/y
DAS $4900
$505 per month

“We have the best deals in town!”

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True, for the dealership!!

Holy smokes.

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Honestly. It’s what I get for mentioning that as a previous loaner, it should easily be around $400. I don’t even know what to say.

And that’s a loaner/demo with 4k miles on it.

I believe you say “No, thank you.”

Hey but they knocked off almost $10k, it must be a good deal!

For the dealer and for VW. Think about it…they are charging me $22.5k and also get the $7.5k fed credit…so $30K total to lease a $33.2k msrp car for 3 years. Now that’s good business!!!

Hyundai Sonata Lease
Vehicle Price (Net after Rebate): $22,671.00

Cash Down: 0
Term: 36 Months
Monthly: $446.94

Residual $15,264

Might as well buy the car. It should be worth more than $7000 after 3 years.

How is it possible to make $16k in payments when the difference between selling price and residual is $7k?

Marked up MF and MSRP for a selling price?