Updated BMW MSD policy

Let’s confirm and consolidate the information so we can reflect the updated policy accurately on the calculator.

  1. Adjustment mileage allowance: 4000-7500 miles (not including 7500 miles);
  2. $0.30/mile adjustment for certain models (is this list exhaustive? @YourLeaseConsultant?).

Also adding @BMW_Dave to chime in.

Thank you!

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I have the official bulletin on that. Just not able to post as I’m not home. Ran into it on a deal yesterday for the mrs

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I pulled over and pulled it from my email just in case you were updating the calc now. Sales mgr had to look it up when I questioned him so I’m guessing it was another change that happened this month


True dedication to the LH community! Thank you!

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When you’re stuck between traffic and red lights, and have radio Disney blaring to keep the kid quiet, you either read to pass the time or slam your head off the steering wheel repeatedly


Unless my dealer screwed up, even the psuedo M cars seem to have the $.30 per mile overage. My M235 contract shows $0.30/mi past contractual miles.


Further updated BMW’s demo car residual adjustment policy based on the information provided. Thanks guys!


That is such a neat feature you added with 2 different adjustments. Thanks you.

I agree, the ability to adjust the mileage charge is fantastic! I just used that feature to adjust the calculator for my M235 signed on last week. (I didn’t realize the Mxxx cars were treated the same as the Mx cars as far as BMWFS was concerned).

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Hasn’t the 6 series been discontinued?

No wonder they put those baby pops and bangs in the exhaust :rofl: They had to justify the mileage upcharge right ? lol


Thanks team!! One more thing @littleviolette, some loaners that are still out the with <4k miles will qualify for the exception. So hopefully you left the mileage adjustment available below 4k.

Sorry I couldn’t get back quicker. Good thing there’s so many BMW Pros here!! For real. you guys rock!

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maybe someone at BMWFS forgot? IDK…just reporting what’s there.

Hey @bmw_dave, If I understand correctly, although BMWFS now allows loaner leases up to 7500 miles without the RV drop, you can’t use lease credits on cars > 5,000, correct (Lease/Owner’s choice at least)? Does that just include lease credits, or ANY rebate (loyalty/conquest/PenFed, etc…)?

I was gonna say, I’ve seen plenty of loaners lease this month that are under 4K miles.

We should re-confirm this.

ALL lease programs that used to be good up to 4999 miles are now good up to 7499 miles. This includes Lease Credit, Loyalty, Conquest, Corporate Sales Program, USAA/PenFed and Recent Grad Rebates. I’m not sure about Owner’s Choice though as we don’t have that program here in CA.

Any dealership that already had (or still has) a retired loaner <4k miles was able to get an exception since it was already retired. Going forward though, I don’t think you will see any dealership retire a unit before the 4k mile mark.


There are also executive demos that can be leased under 4k miles.

Currently are or will continue to be moving forward?

“Demo” can be misleading as there are some punched demos that have less than 50 miles on the odometer. Those typically wouldn’t get any additional savings like a true exec demo or loaner would get. But to answer your question, yes going forward Demo’s will also be good up to 7500 miles for new car programs.

What are the criteria for “true exec demo” @BMW_Dave ?