UAW on strike starting tonight

Realistically, I could do my side gig from anywhere with an internet connection.

Who knows? Your views are so extreme, it doesn’t make any sense to any reasonable being.

The exchange is getting fired up :grinning: Feels like with next 10-15 posts there will be name-calling by one side or another.

Is it too early for yo’ mama jokes?

Feels like after this

it should take just a few minutes to start name throwing for having an opposing viewpoint. Because it implied only the author has a reasonable point of view and can validate the same for all others here.
Those that don’t agree are here by default pronounced unreasonable beings.

And soon they will be shamed in sham courts (social media justice) and demand apology to the Party (Political Correct Views), pressure your employer to fire you (fun times from being a kid when uncle spoke against the Party and had to scrape by to raise 4 kids).

Oh I can see that. My point is this is pretty much the law accross globe in tax losses is the same. You carry it forward. Now if you are saying democrats are more hypocritical about this issue then republicans or they are one and the same because nobody fixed this to your liking I truly respect your opinion. Because they are the same in my mind. However, I truly hope you do not believe like AOC that thought the $3 Billion in tax rebates to Amazon can now be used to hire more teachers.

Back to the topic, White House is finally “involved”.

Now we’re cooking with gas, lot’s of gas.

There is something called operations expenses. They brought in 12 billion and about 2 where profit. Let me ask you something. If thy loose money one quarter can they not pay the workers at all or pay them less? No that is not how a company works. The worker gets a guaranteed wage no matter what the company makes. No one ever has a problem with that when the company is loosing money and still paying the worker. What you are talking about is profit sharing and that comes with ownership in the company. Ownership takes all the risk and therefore yes they get a bulk of the reward. If someone thinks they are being treated unfairly they should walk. The unions change that equation by allowing people to demand unreasonable things that end up hampering the company in the long term. If they had reasonable demands a union wouldn’t be needed because if this company wouldn’t pay someone else would.


Do you actually know what socialism is? Because what you are describing is not socialism. It’s not a term that means everyone is nice to each other and shares stuff and takes care of people. That is just utopian nonsense.

Maybe people who know what socialism is or lived though it are afraid of it because it has always led to death and destruction. That is not fear mongering, that is actual fear due to evidence from the past.

Or this

It all makes perfect sense to this reasonable human being. He has made several cogent arguments while you have hurled personal attacks. Do you really think that there is no one out there that has views that may differ from your own? Has it ever occurred to you that half the country think your views are extreme?

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Are you saying that “screw everyone, every man for himself, abolish this and that, let it all burn” is not extreme and unreasonable? Maybe half the country thinks that way, doesn’t make it any better. Besides, which views of mine are extreme? The most I said is that I don’t walk in autoworkers’ shoes, I can’t blame them for going on strike.

Uuuuh, evil looking Bernie picture, Socialism bad. Really terrible way to learn about Socialism from both those sources.

Your assumption that by us saying the government shouldn’t do it then it will not get done is telling. None of us are saying let it burn everyone for themselves. We are saying that it shouldn’t be done by the government. There was no income tax until 1913. The federal income tax came into being after the ratification of the 16th Amendment. Our most prosperous years as a country came before those years. Roads got built, no one was dying in the streets.

Your straw man is either the government takes everyones money and does it or it doesn’t get done. I offer a third choice. We keep our own money and use it in a much smarter fashion than the government ever would. Americans give more charity than any other people by a wide margins. We don’t need government mandates to make sure our people are taken care of.

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I didn’t learn it from Bernie, I lived it. Doesn’t that qualify to be afraid of it?


Did you read the articles? Of course not. This is why you think that any view outside of your own is “Extreme”. The source doesn’t matter when it is stating fact. Over 100 million dead.

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You may need to learn history a little more, because that is just ridiculous. Sorry if I offend.

Dude whatever, what do you know I watched a video on VOX that says socialism is awesome. Stop spreading your right wing propaganda!

You have to realize the difference between a unbiased opinion and the stuff you posted.

You are so certain you are correct that anything I say to you is wrong even I am just stating simple historical fact. Which part of what I said was wrong? Don’t worry about offending . I am not a snow flake I am capable of hearing other views. However I am still waiting for a cogent reply from you. Insulting me doesn’t make you right. Explain to me what part of my last statement was wrong and why?

You keep saying I am biased and I am wrong but you have no refuted any thing I have said with actual data or facts.