You did get a great deal, that is a really sweet payment for a Jag. I am sure if you told people what you’re paying they wouldn’t believe you.
But, man o’ man I am cold just looking at it.
You did get a great deal, that is a really sweet payment for a Jag. I am sure if you told people what you’re paying they wouldn’t believe you.
But, man o’ man I am cold just looking at it.
2017 MB C300 RWD Loaner with 3100 miles:
MSRP: $44,655
Sale Price before rebates: $34760
Rebate: $2500 (United Premier Program / Fleet)
Lic and tite: $375
Due at signing: $2505 ( 1st month + fees + 10 MSD)
MF: 0.00089 - brought down to .00019 (10 MSDs)
10 MSDs - $2000
Residual 66%
Acquisition fee: $795
Tax: 0 ( I live in a state with no taxes)
Monthly $161.16
Plus I earned 25,000 United points which I value at roughly $4-500
(Dealer realized after we both signed that they gave me the 4Matic lease numbers instead of the RWD, then adjusted the sales price so that they would honor the $161 a month price, I had to come back in to sign new paperwork).
That is a RIDICULOUSLY low monthly for a C series Benz. Truly a hackr worthy post indeed. I’d guarantee any of your friends will have a hard time believing you’re actually paying that little for it. You’d be hard pressed to find any type of decent nonluxury car for payments remotely close to that. Also, car looks pretty sweet
Even better, if he gets bored with it, it will be an easy flip.
Call me when you feel like upgrading so I can fly up and take the keys
This deal is absolutely nuts!! Congratulations. I am in SoCal and I don’t think any dealer will be able to replicate this deal. If they do, I will buy same day!
michigan. I leased it about 10 mo ago.
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Cleaned up the thread. Let’s stay on topic, folks!
I’m so fucking proud to be a part of this degeneracy.
Savage deal.
Well it looks better in here now!
Great back to the great deals
thanks again to @chevysalesgirl picked up this beauty couple days ago!
Welp guess its not letting me upload. ️
Nice deal. when did you get it? in Jan or Dec?