Tesla bankruptcy?

By advertise do you mean the salesperson spiel? I was test-driving Mazda3, which has some nice driver assist tech, however, no where near auto pilot. The salesperson told me that I could basically take a nap in it while it drives.

Gm knows all about how to file for bankruptcy


the problem with the whole tesla crash is how they use the word ‘autopilot’ so freely and most of us did see people reading books and whatnot letting the car drive for them and assume it will work in 100% of roads. honestly, tesla just defending the fact that it wasn’t autopilot’s fault nor he didn’t react in the 6 seconds is just going to lead to more people that blame the driver and assume the computers right and we’ll keep seeing more crashes since there’s no consistency in terrain. signage, or lane markings across the country.

in chevrolet i’ve taken people on so many test drives explaining the forward motion crash packages. during our chevrolet training in fontana, they made us drive at a wall going 40 MPH and let go of everything to feel the car stop. this was in a controlled environment and it did stop no problem, but lets say that someone blows an intersection going 90, it may not respond quick enough to completely prevent the accident, so I always for liability purposes explain this is not a 100% all the time feature and any brand to say so is wrong.

or the other day as i used adaptive cruise control with lane keep assist on the freeway in a Volt Premier, I was following a car that got out of the lane in front of me, then the adap cruise picked up the big rig about another 4 car spaces ahead so the Volt picked up speed to adapt with the rig, BUT it didn’t see the motorcycle splitting the lane on my left and adapt to that speed so I had to use my brain and hands and BRAKES to override the technology. with any tech there is going to be flaws - lets be real here there’s a ton of engineers on LH that can vouch for the margin of error in anything manufactured.

if tesla doesn’t want to say it’s autopilot, fine, driver overconfidence or negligence, fine. that just means more drivers have that level or confidence and they should re-iterate the fact that you have to stay alert. common sense isn’t so common anymore.


Took 5 sec to find the instruction, I just have to look up at some point to see a split is coming

I moved out to California to do UX for an app startup, and even though I don’t think people should even own their own cars in today’s day and age (Public transport should be reformed and subsidized) I still need to get around, and I believe in Elon’s vision. I wanted to buy the Model S but with rent prices here in Cali (I moved into a 600 sq/ft 1 bed/1 bath with my girlfriend, who still has Tinder on her phone, and that doesn’t bother me) I just put in a preorder for a Model 3 instead. Hopefully it gets here soon!


As much as I don’t agree with BigBeard, I just don’t know how a 400kW charger will get 450 miles in 5 minutes. 5 minutes / 60 minutes per hour = 0.083 hours. 0.083 hours * 400kW = 33.33 kWh. You are not going 450 miles on 33.33 kWh. You’d need 150+kWh at interstate speeds, which would require a 2MW charger.

Smart move. Your current gf lease may end at any time and you may need to hack a new one :slight_smile:

Tesla should look up how GM did it, as Tesla may need that info soon. :smiley:
Especially with China threatening to slap more tariffs on imported cars. Companies such as GM and Ford can adjust production to their Chinese factories, while Tesla can’t. That whoosh you’re hearing is Tesla sales in China going down the drain. The stock is tanking accordingly this morning. Thank the Cheeto in chief for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Expectation is for Tesla to announce a 900+ million dollar loss for Q1. That’s despite cranking out 40% more vehicles than Q4 '17. The Tesla cash incineration machine is hungry!

AND another Tesla executive bails the sinking ship. Joins VW to work on their EV manufacturing program.

Man you should get tinder too. Pass those hacking deals here so we can judge your deals. :slight_smile:

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Where do you think they met?

Yup ship is sinking, I am sure getting a vp title from manager has nothing to do with it.

Ok I just put up my Tinder. What do you guys think?

Can’t wait to to do some coding on the Model 3 to hook up and play Switch on the center console display!

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With Autopilot you should be able to get some serious gaming in!

Provided the highway doesn’t have a lane divider :grimacing:

I wouldn’t recommend any Harry Potter movies though, that didn’t work out well for the last person to try that.

I just saw my first model 3 in the wild in mass. Nothing awful but no wow either from the outside. It was black with those standard wheels which are probably not that aesthetically pleasing. Hopefully I will get to see the inside real close soon

Damn, we even see the same things at the same time

There’s been an all black model 3 parking regularly at my train station for months now. I have no idea how they got it that quickly. I see a lot of Teslas parked there though. At least 5 by my last count.