Talk me out of this (S2000 thread)

That or your classic ‘I could only afford to spend $xxx a month, so I put down $12,657 to get my payment lower.’


Would that help?

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Yes, that’s always ideal!

Depends on whether people do simple math or not. Just about anyone putting a down payment to hit a target monthly with a low rate probably aren’t (MSD optimization aside).

I think I’ve decided to upgrade my S2K instead. There’s a low mileage MY07 near me so I will have two of them in my garage for a period of time. I need help. :no_mouth:


Is this it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Apparently a customer wanting to hit a monthly payment target was told they’d need to make a $12,000 CCR and they responded “Would that help?”

H.E.L.L. NO. A.R., really?

That’s exactly why they’re appreciating in value :+1: I paid $11k for my current S2K and I’m planning to list it for $15k.

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Here’s another SAL to chew over,

I would be all over this if I didn’t just pick up a vehicle.

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Was going to say the same, and generally I have enjoyed the additional bonus that comes when some posts don’t pull taxes out, CA cars have been a winner for me a few times where I found an extra $100+ per month come off after seeing the stage 2 paperwork (BMW)

If only it said Cayman :rofl:


Not sure when he added his latest update but it says Porsche Financial is not processing transfers at the moment.

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Right after I contacted him for a friend and he called to start the transfer🤣

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Has anybody ever bought a car on eBay?

Is Ebay going to ban me if I win an auction, inspect the vehicle, don’t like what I see, and back out of the deal?

Seller wants a deposit but I’ll do PayPal.

Can you buy on escrow? Usually you just lose rating if you don’t buy an item you won on auction. Their policy can be different now.

I’m not a fan of eBay for those reasons

Normally IRL you’d want an agreement on price contingent on PPI first … but auctions by definition aren’t about agreeing on price. And naturally PPI only makes sense when you’re sure (via agreement) that ultimately you’re the buyer.

And if you don’t care about your rating and feedback maybe the seller won’t care about his either. If either side is willing to torch their reputation then there’s no reason to have much confidence in the system.

BAT is probably better if you can’t find anything an agreement-with-PPI method… smaller community and find a repeat seller who really cares about their rep.

It’s a local seller (not sure why he didn’t just list it on Autotrader etc), we talked briefly and he’s fine with me backing out of the deal if I don’t like something during inspection. I’m going to check it out tomorrow :+1:

Another s2k?

Yup. One for every day of the week that I wear pants.

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