Someone scratched my brand new Mach-E. What should be my next steps?

Was at a dinner last night, someone scratched my 1-week old Mach-E. Other guests had the same thing to their cars. Saw the scratch after I came home. The car was parallel parked, with the scratched side next to the sidewalk (same thing for other folks).

I absolutely don’t want to go through insurance.

Do I file a police report?

Im gonna check tomorrow if I can get it buffed or something but I also don’t thing this to go on the carfax (was planning to flip the car).

Find a body shop, pay the repair. It’s very simple.

Carfax gets data via police reports.

CARFAX Vehicle History Data Sources - CARFAX.

It’s too bad the Mach E doesn’t have a sentry mode like all Teslas.

If you don’t want on carfax, don’t file the report

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If your fingernail catches in the scratch it likely won’t be able to be buffed. I would get estimates from multiple body shops.

You have to choose your battles. Trying to obtain security footage, find the perp, identify them, bring the whole thing to law enforcement (in hopes of prosecuting), and ultimately trying to cover the repair is going to be a massive, tedious headache and most likely unsuccessful. I would bet this method would hit insurance too.

Unfortunately you’re best off to pay out of pocket at a local body shop. Chalk it up to an unfortunate, but fortunately not terrible, expense.

Sorry to see this.

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Have you seen John Wick?


Didn’t need randos to scratch my Tesla. It came with factory paint defect.


Sounds like there was a guy like this who went to a keying spree


This is the way.


Some body shops report to Carfax as well. Depends on the insurance company they are affiliated with.


Yeah, I am going to check a couple of local ones, I know within my community there are a few folks who would do it in cash and off the record.

This video hopefully brings a smile at the effort this guy did to find the person who scratched his car.

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It did. The paint on the car scratched doesn’t seem to be deep. I am more concerned about resale value of the car

100%. Double check with the shop.

Also, dealer participation could change anytime. Which means, they could partner with CarFax a year from now and sync all of their records with them. The shop/dealer does have the option to exclude certain pay types or repair order types from it though.

Just be cautious if your goal is to avoid CarFax at all costs.

Every time I take my car for an oil change it gets reported to Carfax.

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I think everything done by a dealer also goes on Carfax. Most (if any?) don’t do body work, though.

Very unfortunate for you. Both of ours were perfectly acceptable.

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was all the other cars scratched SUV as well?

do you live in a heavily Liberal area?

Reason I ask is because there is a bunch of Anti SUV terrorist roaming big cities like London/New York/Toronto

