Sold one to VROOM!

2018 Yukon SLT
Vroom paid 43.5k
Payoff ~40k (Zero drive off deal)
Listed on Vroom’s website 49k

In my mind the real question is who pays 49k for a 2 year old Yukon? You could probably get close to that right now on a new outgoing 2020 (especially when you consider they are offering 0% financing)

Timeline update:
9/2 - accepted offer and uploaded documents
9/4 - completed DocuSign paperwork and sent Title/Spare key via FedEx

Moving ahead of schedule!

Did anyone have their quote adjusted after Vroom’s inspection?

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Wait, you’re not supposed to send any keys no?

I thought you give both to the person picking up?

That was in the email from them:
Please send any additional spare keys to Vroom via the return FedEx envelope provided with your documents

You will be surprised, my car was on Vroom site for a day & it was gone closer to brand new price

Crazy must just be a lot easier to get financing through them.

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Ah okay. Good thing I still have the envelope

I just received Fedex from Vroom, but i don’t see any new envelope in there… does it come with yours?

Edit: Never mind, went to FedEx and they say envelope is free as long as you have label. I just mailed mine out, should be there on Tuesday(9/8)

Yea haha. I have some at work so I’m just using that.

That’s nice haha since I wfh too lazy to go to office to grab it. Good thing they have it at FedEx location for free.

Both times I’ve used the original envelope with no issues. That’s what packing tape is for!

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Sold Rage Rover Velar 250HSE to VROOM.

Payoff: $46700 (including 6 months of payment left)
Vroom price: $47000

The entire deal was done within a week. They overnighted not only the title signing but my checks as well.
Couldn’t recommend them enough.

Carvana offer was: $42.5k

Vroom listed on their site for $54k

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I drove almost 500 miles and still received the full offer. I was up front with them when accepting the offer, telling them it was my daily driver and the miles would go up by xx each day till pickup.

So uhhh I shipped out my keys today in the AM and Vroom canceled my contract at 2PM because it wasn’t received by them today. Was out of town over the weekend+labor day.

Apparently, they consider weekends and holidays as a day.

Anyone have this situation before? How to rectify?

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:rofl: :ok_hand:

I wonder if they’re getting nervous cause of the stock market sell off? It seems to be pretty correlated with various used car price indices.

That’s not the case with our Toyota with TFS as captive. Checked yesterday and their payoff quote online and on the phone excludes sales tax. If you sell to any certified dealer, Toyota or otherwise, there are no fees or taxes imposed whatsoever. I guess it varies by manufacturer.

They went through a group cancellation as there buying and selling is dependent on current stock. If they don’t have your vehicle in stock your more likely to get a very high offer. Carvana seems much more consistent with KBB…vroom is based on in stock. Happened to us in the past call them and give them the tracking number for the keys.

Have any of you actually gone thru with I’m getting about $21,000-22,000 from Carvana and Vroom but $24,000 from ALgo on their website. Are they legit or do they try and play games once you go thru with the process?

Easy answer… (search)