SoCal Toyota Special Lease Offers

Its 5 years or $15,000 on the purchase. :slight_smile:


I believe it is 6 years free fuel (up to 15k) on a purchase. The reason I am hesitant to buy one is due to the frequent hydrogen shortages, and the fact that it is very difficult to find out how much hydrogen actually costs. Plus, the nearest dealer is about 40 miles away, and I would need to get it serviced there as opposed to the many closer Toyota dealers that do not sell/service the Mirai.

What are u guys discounting an XLE at? Bigger discount on Limited?

Pricing is posted on my site. I can’t advertise publicly

Duh… I knew that. Thanks! Lease price before rebates is the same as purchase price before rebates correct?


Yes same selling price and then apply the $20k purchase rebate

Hey Cody,
Any Highlander Hybrid Limited or Platinum on the way?

In transit

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What is the sales tax based on for a purchased Mirai? Selling price minus rebate? Or the selling price?

Always price before rebate

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Do current Mirai lessees get a further rebate for purchase or lease of a new Mirai?

Also, it seems like the discounts that Toyota gives, along with the discounts Cody has, make a 0% finance purchase pretty smart. Even on a 36 month finance, the payment is not much more (I calculate $75 per month or so). To get to that number, I’m factoring in the 8K tax credit that is not available to a lessee. I know the car might be tough to sell without the gas card, but it will be worth more than zero (which is what you get on a lease return).

Something to ponder. :thinking:

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There is a $3500 rebate if you return your current mirai or a $1000 rebate for current toyota owners.


Wow this is getting way too tempting… must resist

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What would you pay for a car that you don’t know what the maintenance costs could be and also costs much more then a similar sedan to use on a daily basis

will you pay 50% , 20% , 10% of the msrp ?

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3yr/35k maint included.

Just look at the private resale market. They hold decent value. I’ve had 2 Mirai’s, collectively for 5 years. There have been ZERO problems other than the occasional refueling issues. But not once in those 5 years did I have to take another car because of refueling issues. And I drive about 12k miles per year. The car is essentially maintenance free, and the fuel system has an 8 or 10 year warranty.

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these Mirai deals are extremely tempting with my BMW lease maturing soon! just wish there were more hydrogen stations outside of San Diego or LA.


I think it is no-brainer, if you are willing and able to deal with the fueling hassles. I know I am thinking very hard about this. My lease ends this month.

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I have 1.5 years left on Mirai or I would be all over this.

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Any Highlander XSE coming in?