Signed - 2021 Jeep Wrangler Sahara High Altitude 4xe - 36/10 - $65,160 - $11,888 One Pay

Region: SE
MSRP: $65,160 (MSRP at time of order was $63,140)
Selling Price: $56,826
Monthly Payment: $0
Drive-Off Amount: $11,888 (including 7% FL tax)
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: 0.00062 (after single pay discount, base was 0.00134)
Residual: 65%
Incentives: $7500

The single pay amount above includes Mopar tire and wheel coverage for the lease term. I lumped the costs for that into the dealer fees section. The registration fees are higher than they will be in reality (as I am reusing an existing registration which the dealer is transferring) so I should get a check back for ~$400 in a few weeks.

This Jeep was ordered on 6/26 and arrived at the dealer on 11/16.

Sold order protection paid off nicely on this order as I was locked into the old MSRP and RVs, was able to still garner affiliate, and the November MF was favorable.

The savings from the single pay was ~$2500, so well worth doing IMO.


At least you got some benefit for having to wait 5 mos. That is SO CHEAP. Congrats.


Wow sold order protection made this such a good deal. Iā€™m about the same time frame and $100 a month more.

Annual mileage 1,000ā€¦ A true mall crawler!

Smart alekšŸ˜. Typo correctedā€¦ But yeah, pretty much any HA is going to be a mallcrawler. I doubt this will ever even see a grassy parking lot, never mind a trail.


Fortunately I didnā€™t mind waiting on this one (and in the end it saved a pretty good amount) so it was worth being patient. Not that I had a choice!

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SOP is something I have been a broken record on (before it was terminated). With Jeeps record of MSRP changes it almost seems mandatory. In this case, it allowed an effective ~13% off MSRP. The RV reduction for November is just dumb (good) luck.


Great deal, congrats!

So now time to sell it?

This ones a keeper.


Effective $330 a month on a $63k Wrangler

Def a keeper (until LH brings us something else new)



Yeahā€¦cant complain esp since I ā€œsplurgedā€ for T&W coverage in there (and will also get registration $ back as well). Ill update on the actual effective monthly after all the dust settles, but Ill guess it will be ~$310ish. What would be have the cherry on top was if I could have gotten Bonusdrive for $250 as well, but the time between when my VIN was created (when you can submit for Bonusdrive) and when it was delivered was likely too far apart.

Always :slight_smile:

There is a serious shortage of pictures in this thread


Tomorrowā€¦until thenā€¦


I live vicariously where I can

Went to Trader Joes for some
of this for Panda72 to nibble on when he gets home. The green stuffā€¦not the whitešŸ˜.

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What a home run you hit. I guess I hit a triple as Iā€™m about $1,000 more on my one pay with slightly lower MSRP.

Really, really nice deal. Congrats.

Brokers are gonna hate you for thisā€¦ now every newbie to LH is going to see this, not read the fine print and demand the same deal! :rofl:

Nice deal and nice ride!


If they actually read the fine print and want the same deal they will ask for something around $10,900, LOL.

But in seriousness, the only reason the numbers worked out this way was because the order was from June with a dealer doing SOP with a big original discount and a fortuitous MF change.