Region: SE
MSRP: $65,160 (MSRP at time of order was $63,140)
Selling Price: $56,826
Monthly Payment: $0
Drive-Off Amount: $11,888 (including 7% FL tax)
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: 0.00062 (after single pay discount, base was 0.00134)
Residual: 65%
Incentives: $7500
The single pay amount above includes Mopar tire and wheel coverage for the lease term. I lumped the costs for that into the dealer fees section. The registration fees are higher than they will be in reality (as I am reusing an existing registration which the dealer is transferring) so I should get a check back for ~$400 in a few weeks.
This Jeep was ordered on 6/26 and arrived at the dealer on 11/16.
Sold order protection paid off nicely on this order as I was locked into the old MSRP and RVs, was able to still garner affiliate, and the November MF was favorable.
The savings from the single pay was ~$2500, so well worth doing IMO.
Smart alekš. Typo correctedā¦ But yeah, pretty much any HA is going to be a mallcrawler. I doubt this will ever even see a grassy parking lot, never mind a trail.
SOP is something I have been a broken record on (before it was terminated). With Jeeps record of MSRP changes it almost seems mandatory. In this case, it allowed an effective ~13% off MSRP. The RV reduction for November is just dumb (good) luck.
Yeahā¦cant complain esp since I āsplurgedā for T&W coverage in there (and will also get registration $ back as well). Ill update on the actual effective monthly after all the dust settles, but Ill guess it will be ~$310ish. What would be have the cherry on top was if I could have gotten Bonusdrive for $250 as well, but the time between when my VIN was created (when you can submit for Bonusdrive) and when it was delivered was likely too far apart.
If they actually read the fine print and want the same deal they will ask for something around $10,900, LOL.
But in seriousness, the only reason the numbers worked out this way was because the order was from June with a dealer doing SOP with a big original discount and a fortuitous MF change.