Signed: 2020 Jeep Gladiator Sport S, 297/mo $297 DAS 42/10K


If you read the JT forum it’s basically been proven that the Tyger T1/T3 advertised for Gladiator have identical parts to the one advertised for Colorado/Canyon yet are marked up at least 20$$ because I guess Jeep owners…

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That’s not surprising, maybe I’ll look into that one instead.

So you pulled it off. Congrats. And on an S, to boot. Really nice deal.


Lol I warned ya

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Yeah, but it actually put a smile on my face having to actually drive something instead of just sitting there, it was fun!

Try to take side streets to your local state park if possible :rofl:

Driving around town with the doors and top off will be worth it.

Congrats on finally pulling the trigger.

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I didn’t do anything too crazy since we were by ourselves and I’m not looking to pay US Bank anymore than I have to, but this definitely made the past month or so worth it!


Nice deal. Enjoy it. Every dealer I have emailed in Pennsylvania are giving me numbers on the other side of $400 just for the base Sport model. 15k miles a year but still. Don’t like them that much. About given up at this point. Started looking at the Willys :crossed_fingers:


If you switch your focus to the Sport S you might be surprised just because there are so many more of them around, and the programs aren’t that much worse than the Sport. The additional $1500 incentive I had really helped make this possible too.

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Sign up for the Jeep email list on line and true car.

One of these things got me a $500 bonus cash email. I just don’t know which one.


Congrats on finally closing this deal. Your gladiator looks great in white!

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Thanks, I tried really hard to get a Pumpkin but I couldn’t get it for the same price. My son saw it at the Philly auto show and really liked it like that. He’s digging the white one though!

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Anyone able to replicate this deal in Southern California?

I believe @Seby12 beat this deal by LH Score at the very least, on a higher optioned Sport S too. He was in Northern California though.

Man, these are so cheap right now… so tempting if they weren’t so ugly without a lift and tires. Unfortunately the best looking gladiators have 40s and a large lift… quite expensive for that :frowning:

I’m not seeing the deals in SoCal…

$415 plus tax@42 months/10k miles a year,with just $1500 start up fees.On approved credit.

You need the details though. Which bank? Residual? Money factor? What’s the MSRP and selling price? What rebates are they using? I believe it’s still $2,000 in lease cash, but you may qualify for additional rebates. Truecar can get you an additional $500 minimum, and I was able to get an additional $1,500 instead thanks to an offer I received in the mail from Jeep. My deal took well over a month to get, so you need to reach out to multiple dealers and be patient.

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So much of the time that is the case. After getting a couple of my sweetheart deals the last time around, even I thought it wasn’t worth the effort :grin:. I lost track of the number of hours spent, but found it fortunate that I found my time of no value, LOL

A little bit of searching turns up 2 or 3 brokers/dealers advertising socal gladiators on this forum.

Here is the best deal: 2020 Socal Jeep Wrangler/Gladiator Blowouts (April)


Definitely… Reach out to @Jeff_BeachCitiesAuto, he’s straightforward and very helpful!