SIGNED 2020 Bolt LT - 1700 one pay OTD (3k post sale rebates due)

Yes they are.

This is one of the many reasons this site and community rock.
Enjoy your car with one hell of a deal!


yes. It is not on the list, but as @michael said, they switched owners/management, and thus the name from Weseloh to Premiere quote recently IIRC.

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Agreed. Y’all inspired me to get a hacked deal (even though I didn’t need a car).
Thanks. I am giving this car to my father… since he has a commute and and would enjoy not clubbing the planet to death. :sweat_smile:


If you qualify for CVAP don’t you likely also qualify for the extra $2500 CVRP ($4500 vs $2000)?

The #boltmania thread is over here. I would look through the thread to see the updates.

Not necessarily. CVAP looks at your individual income (depending on your filing status), where as CVRP looks at your household income (In my case, I file as an individual, but I have to include the income of EVERYONE in the household, related or not). I got stuck at my parents’ home due to COVID-19. Since I am living at home with my parents, I need to factor in their income as well and that puts me well out of reach for the extra $2500.

At least, that is my understanding from what I’ve read. I wouldn’t mind being wrong on this one…

How can you have NO monthly payment?

You can pay for the whole lease up front, meaning, you won’t have a monthly payment.

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I’m not a Tax Attorney, but I believe you are incorrect on this one. Your ‘household’ for tax purposes is just yourself. Based on how you filed is based on what your household is. Now if you were married filing separately (as opposed to jointly) your spouse would still be in the household, but you do NOT have to go off of residence/address. It would be insane to have to include your roommates (if you had any) in your total income to qualify, for example.

I believe you are confusing tax household with car insurance household - which DOES often require you to include all co-residences as insured parties. Though note that I’ve gotten around this years (ok, fine decades) ago by claiming that I was ‘Unit #2’ at my parents house, thus an distinct and different residential address (my dad had some accidents on his record and my cousin and his wife were staying with us at the time).


I may as well be wrong. This is uncharted territory for me.
Quoting from the CVRP site here:

For the purposes of CVRP, a household includes all family members or other unrelated persons, including the rebate applicant, who reside together and/or share common living expenses. Income verification is completed for all members of the household ages 18 years and older. Note: Roommates who do not have a lease separate from the applicant are considered part of the applicant’s household.

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Ahh dang, that’s insane. Well that’s very odd that they have such different rules for CVRP vs CVAP, but thanks for providing that detail.

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No problem. :+1:

Do you mind sharing the CVAP grant timeline? how long did it take?

I am new to this forum, but interested in this Bolt offer. Please explain the details to me. It sounds like a lease but how can the monthly payment be zero? Thank you.

He choose one pay, essentially paid for 36 months upfront and saved some money on the APR rate.


I applied end of May. I got the approval towards the end of July.

Basically what @shahid7624 said.
For any lease, you have a finance charge called money factor. You are essentially minimizing it to almost 0 by paying for the entire lease up front. When you pay for everything up front, you don’t have a monthly payment. :grinning:

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Usually for most assistance programs (SSI, Calfresh, Medical and others) a Household is considered all people who share Meals and expenses at the house. You could have 3 families living in a 3 Bedroom House, but if they all pay for their own food, rent, and utilities then each of them is their own household for qualification purposes.

Now, My understanding is you do your own taxes, pay rent and utilities to your parents to live in their basement, and eat at McDonald’s daily. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I appreciate your detailed explanation. Thank you! :blush: