Signed: 2019 Cadillac Escalade Luxury 4x4, 24/10, $0 DAS, $769 w/tax

In that case maybe that was the Disposition fee on your 2016 that you paid to the dealer? The details here are a little funky, but it sounds like they made it all work.

Should’ve been waived then?

That’s true if properly grounded, unless they stopped doing that. The contract would be the only way to really understand what went where.

Cadillac offers buses as loaners…icing on the cake

Great deal on a beautiful ride!

Can only get close on the luxury trim, stinks because I like the features on the premium better.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill


You can PM the OP yourself.

This isn’t a rocket science magical deal. You need Escalade loyalty and 9.26% off with base MF. Do your own work!

You can PM one of us the contract if you want us to take a look.

I am certain though that the acq fee was rolled, not dispo. Your prior lease dispo would have been waived by GMF, and AFAIK it’s not even possible to roll a dispo fee in.


@mindscape9 I checked the contract you sent. Hope that you don’t mind me posting this snip, if you do, I will delete it. Here is where the demons always lie - section 12 itemization of gross capitalized cost.;

The trade is reflected correctly! Just for others, ALWAYS make sure that there’s a number in here otherwise the dealer is lying about rolling the trade in and you will get a bill in the mail from GMF.

The selling price is actually $78,262

I don’t see anything nefarious in here. Dispo fee is definitely not rolled in or included anywhere. As you can see the acquisition fee is rolled into the cap cost. The dealer fee is $689 as you said which is very high, but if that’s the fee in your market (seems to be the norm for GA), it is what it is.

GREAT deal and clean contract!

Helpful guide:


Thanks, Chris! Glad everything looks good with the contract.

Do you see anywhere in the contract where it specifies the disposition fee? The only place I saw it mentioned was in 23(f), but it referred to a line item listed as “N/A”.

I’m sure it’s in there somewhere and I probably missed it.

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Dispo fee is on the first page right here in section 4;


Ha… Not sure how I missed that. Ok so I guess it isnt rolled in, as you said.

Without divulging any more of the contract that OP is comfortable with, was the 10k “dealer conditional” rebate they listed one lump sum? I see 8000 in “Consumer Cash” listed on autobytel, which is definitely different wording than the usual “bonus cash” or “CCR” you usually see listed, which implies that maybe it was for purchase or lease? Then again its possible that the promotions changed since the deal was signed. The way I’m looking at it, it looks like it was possibly 1000 loyalty, 8000 of that “consumer cash”, 1000 in additional regional CCR and maybe another 1000 in flex/dividends? That’s assuming the numbers are the same now vs the contract date.


As you know, lease contracts don’t break down incentives like some sales agreements/dealer purchase orders do. AFAIK he got $10,000 Escalade loyalty plus $1000 CCR.

That’s true, I know in the past I’ve received additional paperwork in finance that breaks down each rebate I got with a code next to it. Kinda off topic, but I walked over to the Cadillac end of the dealer I went to for my tires today and they had plenty of Escalades on the lot. Not much else though! EVERYTHING is SUVS. I think they had 7 sedans on the lot total, which was a bummer since I was hoping they had something hanging around with the Blackwing in it to check out. I got to see the XT6 though, which is a possible target a year from now. Its… nice? The materials are obviously better than what I’ve got now, but I couldn’t really find a reason to go for it vs the SLT or Denali Acadia, or even an Enclave unless the deal was too good to pass up.

Yeah GM dealers typically have you sign an incentive list. You mean CT6? production ends in January :slight_smile: XT6 is a total dumpster fire IMO. Another half assed GM product.

I’ve seen several CT5’s here in MI and they look SUPER sharp. Much better than pics. Excited to drive both that an CT4…

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So kind of weird - I just got a call from the finance manager and he said that he needed me to re-sign the docs. He said nothing will change with the payment, but they “left the representative number for the trade in there and they weren’t supposed to do that.” Not sure what that means, and it would be appalling if they tried to stick me with the bill for the car at this point, but it sounds similar to what you were saying to be on the look out for, Chris. If they try and take the 2676 out of section 12, but “assure” me that they are still paying for the remainder of the payments, is there any kosher response to get to the bottom of what is going on, short of just calling them liars?

I asked him to send me the docs in email, but he said that they had to be an original sig and an electronic sig wouldn’t work.

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I’d just make sure that somewhere in writing that you get them to commit to the remaining payments being rolled in if that’s what they promised you.

If they are grounding the lease early and cutting you a check for the remaining payments + dispo, then it should not be reflected as a trade on the lease paperwork. If they’re buying it and rolling in the neggity eggity it should.

Just make sure you have a We Owe sheet somewhere for the total amount of your remaining payments (+ dispo if there is one).

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There’s absolutely no way they’re buying the lease out (no positive equity)

MY guess is that there is 3 month pull ahead and the contract won’t fly with GMF due to nothing to pay off, and they’ll inflate the selling price to make up the difference and keep payment the same.

@mindscape9 request a copy of the updated draft contract and let’s see it. If they won’t provide, tell them you won’t sign it. In a nice way :slight_smile: I’ve had many dealers send me draft contracts via email for me to review. It’s not a big deal and if they refuse, something is fishy.


And you can frame the request in terms of making sure everything is correct before you drive back to the dealer - it will save everyone time.

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Yup. Or tell them you’re about to leave on a 5k mile cross country road trip, watch PANIC ENSUE :kissing_smiling_eyes: