Search New BMW Inventory Nationwide with Exact Specs

I mean it’s really not though unless you manually go through zip code by zip code and click on each of the cars to see their options on the dealer websites.

The BMW website locks you into one dealership at a time based on seemingly random association with your zip code.

It would take countless hours to get the same data that you can do in minutes with this tool.

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Bought you a couple of cups of coffee, great work with the tool!

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Can you add a field to limit the results by State(s)?

@steevo currently I don’t have a mapping of Zip Codes to states. Maybe in the future I’ll get a list of Zip Codes that correlates them to states and then it would be relatively easy. What was the reason you wanted this vs. just distance from a Zip Code?

Bought you a couple of cups of coffee, great work with the tool!

@padrino thank you!

Also, I’m working on pushing out some new improvements that would make options organized by Series. The only changes would be you’d have to first search the Series before Exterior, Interior and Features is available so I can then populate them based on the Series.

Here you go.

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If you want to only search locally and live near a state border like much of the tri-state area. In my case on Long Island, NY, results can be across the Long Island Sound in Connecticut.


Update: Database is being repopulated. Should be done in about 30 minutes.

Hey everyone! I had some time to refactor the way things work a bit. I have to take down the site to make these changes since the data structure has drastically changed and I also need to upgrade the database since it’s too small. It’ll be back up in an hour or so.

New Changes:

  • Interiors, Exteriors and Features are now loaded based on the Series or Model selected. If neither is selected, all options get shown.
  • Models are also loaded based on the Series selected.
  • Added the ability to Find By either State (looks at the dealer location) or Zip Code (same as the past).

Forgot to update here. Database has been repopulated. Interested to get feedback on the new functionality if anyone has any.

Thanks for putting this together, it is an invaluable tool!

I’ve been using it for the past few weeks to search for 2021 X3 M40i’s with Adaptive M Suspension. It used to pop up as an option but it no longer does. Would you be able to look into this?

Looks like exterior colors are off too… Only showing 4 colors (1 wrong):

Odd… I switched to parsing the options out of the cars that are currently available. It’s possible that at the moment no car has that option which would prevent it from showing as an option. Also you can still type in the option codes even if they aren’t listed. I’ll check this out regardless.

@MrSo0h0o colors are fixed. What’s the option code you specifically are looking for. I’m going to determine if no car currently has it or if I still need to manually seed the database with other options that no car actually lists because BMW’s system is stupid.

I’ve been looking for the Adaptive M Suspension. A bunch of them have been showing up in the search prior to the change out of BMW of Manhattan

@MrSo0h0o I know what’s wrong. Going to work on pushing a fix out later today.

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@MrSo0h0o database is updating again but I’ve got it working. You can see some results showing up already. X3 M40i w/ Adaptive M Suspension

Awesome! Thanks!

Did you happen to change the frequency of when the database is updated? I noticed it hasn’t been updated since you pushed the fix (Sunday).

Whoopsies, disabled it when I was updating stuff from running automatically and forgot to re-enable it. Thanks for the notice!


It stopped returning results for me this morning. As of yesterday I was consistently getting 14 based on my search parameters. Tried a bunch of different combos, not sure what changed

Something broke on your backend. Hasn’t been returning results since yesterday for me.

I’ll have to check into it. Been swamped this week and haven’t had any time.