Alright everyone, it’s here.
There might be a few little bugs and kinks to work out here and there, but for the most part, we’re good to go. If you happen to notice a color or feature missing, or find something else wrong, feel free to shoot me a PM.
How to use:
Note the fields available, the only required fields are your ZIP code and a range.
YOU MUST SELECT COLORS AND OPTIONS THAT ARE ACTUALLY AVAILABLE ON THE CAR YOU ARE SEARCHING!!! - What I mean by this is that if you pick a model or series, the options you can select, as well as the colors, do not get limited to only things available on that car. That takes a lot of work and is something we might be able to do in the future. So if you pick, for example, Competition Package on a 330i, that is not going to return you any results. If you pick Portimao Blue on an X3, that isn’t going to work. You must know that the color or option you want is actually available on that particular model.
Series: Lets you pick an entire series instead of just a model if you want to do a broad search. If you pick a specific model you do not have to pick a series.
Models: Lets you search by the exact model you’re looking for.
Exteriors: You pick the exterior paint color here. Be sure to pick a color that is available on that model.
Interiors: You pick the interior leather or vinyl color here. Be sure to pick a color that is available on that model.
Features: Arguably the best part of this, you can filter packages and options here. You can start typing to see all of the options and packages available. If you want an X3 M40i with Executive Package and Ventilated front seats, you can do that. You can search any combination you want. It will only show you cars with at least the options that you select.
Lastly, we also kindly ask that you consider donating to the project, as all of the upkeep, server costs, and development is on us. You can do that here:
You can either donate monthly, or click the button and specify a one time, individual donation.
Without anything further, here is, Carfindr: