R/askcarsales threads 💎

gotta pour one out for the bad deals lol

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Are you really a fleet manager?

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And he still thinking of financing :joy:

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Saints And Sinners Reaction GIF by Bounce

You can google my store and you will see my name and job title.

Did you ever get that windshield fixed?

17k down, 4 year 4xe lease.



Those deals allow the rest of ours to be possible.


Sheesh the askcarsales mods are undoubtedly getting off to that tonight. Poor fella

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A local Audi sales chick / vacuous implant model bragged to me on a test drive about a great lease deal she was able to get for a different client on an etron GT….

" I got him in under $600 a month when I showed him what he could do with his $37,000 trade-in that he owned free and clear!!"

I didn’t bother to ask how many months/miles, or if there were MSDs involved.


You had me at

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I assume this to be the calc. 7% ADM

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Hard to bite your tongue and explain why that’s a god awful deal.

And he brags to anyone who listens that his payment is only $599. Client wins, GM wins! Your model friend was the leastest winner perhaps


He had me at


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CPO ‘beached’ Taycan


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Sometimes ‘CPO’ is ‘Certified’ because it won’t pass CPO

Thank goodness it’s a lease.

Yeah, they could be a little clueless and it sounds like they have no idea how lucky they are with the “if that makes a difference” comment at the end.

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