Porsche Macan - Interesting convo with the dealership



Please don’t stay on this website. It’s not meant for Porsche clients. If you actually need some help narrowing down the deal or working something out on a service loaner deal, send me a message or send me a text. I’m glad to help!

And don’t take what the guy said too seriously. We just get a lot of clients who have no idea about Porsche leases. So just a way to set the expectation. But you are right, you should expect better from a Porsche salesman.

You can find sub $300/mo BMW’s(fart car), you literally will never find a sub $500/mo or maybe $600/mo Porsche


A $100 difference between an opening number and what you want to negotiate to isnt anything significant when we are talking $800/mo vehicles.

I’d bet the opening offer from the bmw dealer on one of their products would be further than $100 from what one would settle on too.

@DJK , why not just buy a Porsche then sell it later?

I tend not to take good care of my cars, especially because I live in downtown Chicago at a large apartment - the garage spaces are very tight so a few minor scratches are inevitable.

Maintenance costs mostly.

Then don’t lease. You don’t want to pay almost 20% tax on a $1000/mo lease

1000% buy a cpo and some bumper bullies. Will fair you much better tax wise and fiscally come lease end.

Chicagoland is my least favorite area to deal with.

My permanent address is my parents’, which is in the suburbs and the lease tax doesn’t apply.

No, not at all, actually. And def not for luxury brands (automotive or otherwise).

So then define a salesperson’s job description for luxury brands and otherwise.

To get you emotionally attached to the brand image. Value has nothing to do with it.


Brand image falls under the category of intrinsic value. It is the salesmen’s job to sell that to unconvinced customers. If unconvinced customers didn’t exist, then the product just sells itself and there is no need for salespeople, or in Porsche’s world “Brand Ambassadors”.

Going back to the OP, the salesman, it seems, didn’t try to get @DJK emotionally attached to the brand image, so he/she was not doing his/her job. That was my initial point.

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If a person is completely unable to pay what the product goes for no amount of “SELLING” will get them to buy. Salesperson sounded like he wanted to set expectations.

I would argue that it’s marketing’s job to sell to the unconvinced. ::shrug::

Which Porsches kind of do…

Which matters not at all since there are more than enough people who are emotionally attached to the brand. If I were a salesperson and were hawking a product that virtually sold itself, I wouldn’t “waste” my time on someone who wasn’t that interested, either.

And I say this as someone who doesn’t have particularly strong feelings about Porsche (so I am also not making a value judgment about the OP’s preferences in any way).

Lol, it’s always this long when it comes to conversation about Porsche. Porsche are the easiest to compute, RV and MF are always available online. For base 5% should be the lowest but target 10% off MSRP. I’m not against the OP but due to the pandemic, they probably not that friendly. But they should not tell you those things a sale is a sale. Sorry for the experience. Don’t forget the MRM as well on highly optionized base model.

This is funny. When did Porsche become elitist in the SUV game? Their SUVs are fairly new and considered entry level to mid level luxury SUV…esp the Macan. People who buy or lease these cars usually dont have “their shit together.” They have the same mindset of people who buy BMW 3-series which is to show the world “I made it”. The only people who have “their shit together” are the ones buying the gt3 and turbo S.


While I had similar experience back last year where the Porsche salesman told me samething about new Macan, he gave me another option. They had base Macan CPO which was available for lease. He was very upfront and said lowest he would go would be 3000$ down, 400$ a month (same price as my current car minus down payment) which was in my range so we spoke about numbers and went for a test drive as well.
It was by far best experience, the dealership is located in NJ and its part of large group where JLR and Porsche is part of same dealership.

Uh, ever since they entered it? The Cayenne was their first SUV, and it’s not “entry level” or even “mid level.”

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The cayenne starts at 66k. If thats not mid-level luxury then what is it?

I was offered a CPO base Macan lease at pretty much 500$ a month (400$ per month plus 3000$ down payment) by a dealership in NJ.