Polling on reopening threads

Necromancing a two year old thread doesn’t help and spamming your story of how someone you didn’t do business with didn’t do business with you is unnecessary. It isn’t a personal attack to have threads closed.


definitely ready to see this thread closed :joy:

OP titles thread as a poll and doesn’t even make a poll :worried: :confused:


It wasn’t being spammed. I posted it one place and once it was removed (for understandable and previously discussed reasons) I posted it one more place BECAUSE it was removed from that place, which was locked. Then I opened a new topic in off ramp,as suggested, and it was also locked after a smug reply from the mod. My actions were in response to the mod, not spamming.

From the outward perspective, it came across as being spammed. It popped up, in multiple threads, including one several years old. When one was closed, it appeared in another.

I understand that you had a separate conversation the first time and that wasn’t your intention, but for someone not privy to that, the outward appearance was not so.

…and then you told us about in 100 more. Give it a fucking rest already!


Mods keep locking threads. When will the tyranny end!!! /s

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Poll added, so go & vote!

A more appropriate, third option may be a request for clarification on closing guidance. I don’t know that having an override vote does much good, but if there’s concern about how/why things are closed, that may be better addressed just through more communication.

Can’t they just PM the mod who closed the thread for closing guidance?
It seems that most of the times, Mods leave comment as to why they are closing the thread in the first place

That’s our guidance - to post short explanation

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Prefer closed/ moved to off topic. Most explanations are simply said this thread is getting off topic… but I’m sure there have been more specific reasons given at time of thread closure as well

I meant more along the lines of communicating what the general guidance is. It seems to me that the bigger issue is understanding what the guidelines are.

  • close this thread
  • keep it open
  • lease a :taco: for $88/mo

0 voters

Close, obviously. The poll is in the first post and stays active. No need for discussion :slightly_smiling_face:

Lease a taco for $88/mo obviously lol, at least that was my vote

I don’t think more burden needs to be put on trustedhackrs. While I do agree some threads do get closed early (specially the fun ones) and has happened with me as I was typing a response and it didnt go through :rofl:
I believe trustedhackrs have already been chosen by a majority of voters which is organized once a year by Michael. They are good enough to do the job and that also for free. They are not paid to deal with the mess here.
If an original poster wants a thread opened, they can PM trustedhackrs themselves and decide. I personally have dealt with this a few times and each of them has been pretty fair in all cases.


Every time I see a thread get closed too early (which is frequently), I always think of Jim from the office talking about Dwight having the authority to decide who has to work on weekends and holidays, and Jim said “God, this is so sad. This is the smallest amount of power I’ve ever seen go to someone’s head.”
In spite of that, I enjoy the forum. Nothing can be perfect, and even though threads get closed too quickly, I’d rather that than no forum at all.


I don’t know about more burden tbh, a few of the trusted hackr’s are hyperactive and start shutting everything down prematurely, there are some that are very rarely seen and then the rest are in between.

I think some of the trusted need to be “pruned” and there should be a switch of tags to differentiate from trusted hackrs and moderators. Many “moderators” provide questionable or no advice on threads but are good at moderating, while other’s provide great advice but aren’t necessarily the most level headed or good at moderating.


+1 to that, god forbid you go slightly off topic or prove a mod wrong, their ego can’t handle it. There are some really good trusted hackrs on this site but also some really bad one’s too.


You should request a refund. If it’s so bad, choose a different site to frequent.

Also, “ones” in this case isn’t possessive, so the apostrophe is incorrect. Can your ego handle that?


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