Off Topic Landfill

Are you seriously trying to compare net worths? AHAHAHAHA. and betting money on it.

By NY standards, I’m not loaded. However, being brought up in a family that was very well off and being with some of the NY elite my entire life, I can assure you that true wealthy people don’t act like this.

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Why only 1K?

Why not give 10k to starving children, since that amount didn’t matter for the E-class.

Do you want to donate 10k to a charity for children, and have me match it?

Great. Put your money where your mouth is. If I am not wealthy by NY elite standards, I’ll put $1,000 to the charity of your choice. If I am, you put $1,000 to the charity of my choice.

It’s funny that you are all experts on the wealthy. My friends and I actually do make friendly wagers to put money into charities of the winner’s choice.

Will you? Let’s take this offline and enter into a stipulation.

I’ll even get another friend or two in on this.

Howard is part of the “Nouveau riche” class.

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Nice to see everyone is having a productive Monday…


Donate the money and post proof on here, since 10k doesn’t matter to you.

Wait does

Nouveau riche, in this case, mean classless, insecure, people who think they have money?



So, that’s a no on the $10k from your end?

That just proves my point exactly. I am willing to take these conversations offline and enter into a stipulated agreement to do exactly as I say. Everyone else is merely a keyboard warrior.

I do have better things to do, so I’m logging off. Have a good life folks.

@nyclife You make it sound like money is the only thing someone on here will consider. If that’s the case, they should avoid paying your $400 broker fee altogether and just take all of the information from Leasehackr to negotiate their own leases. Oh wait, they do:

Unfortunately, I will cannot do any of these deal postings anymore with a whole bunch of quotes. As two of the 4 vehicles were purchased by the LH community, not through me. However, both of these individuals messaged me multiple times, and then ghosted. One of them did try to negotiate down my fee and then just said he would rather do it on his own.

On the other hand, if it’s the right car, in the right place, maybe they won’t sweat a few bucks.

Wow! 400 = 11 per month. Yours is about 200 per month over priced. Hmmmm, I guess you weren’t all that good in math.

You know I did a new one two days ago for better than yours. It had a 10k higher sticker too.

Clearly, better than you based on your job!

@dukez Please close this thread since there is clearly selective censoring here.

Deals like this are how dealerships keep the lights on. P1 E-Classes were like $500 a month at the end of 2016, if property negotiated and structured. Use a broker next time. @nyclife does a hell of a job on Benzes.

Driver burned alive.

“The Fire department explains that ‘the violent impact of Lithium Ion Batteries could probably have caused a phenomenon called “thermal runaway”, i.e, a rapid and unstoppable increase in temperature.’”

Where is that liberal dyke that tried to refute my post about the danger of stored energy? Liberalism/Tesla worship is a disease that can only be cured with a lobotomy.

What are MSDs? are they refundable?
Sorry new here.

I think he signed before 5/1 tmu

i tried getting the same deal from the same dealer, the guy said no chance to me : (

you stole that deal ! congrats !

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Even with 3k negative equity, you came out of that deal smelling like roses! Enjoy the beautiful car!

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How did you manage that? Can you share some details?