First Time Hack MB C300/4M Loaner--Thoughts and Please Help!

Hi All-
Just received the following quote from a dealer.
This is for a 2018 C300/4M loaner with 4,995 miles in NYC (buying in NJ).

MSRP: $47,725
Selling Price: $39,700
Cash Down: $0
MF: 0.00077 (Assuming)
RV: 59% (Assuming)
Monthly Payment: $367.99 (Incl Tax)
Lease: 36 Months, 10k miles per year

Due at signing: $5811.99
Putting down Max MSD’s ($4k)
First Month: $367.99
Acquisition: $795
Fess: (Doc/Registration): $649

There are addtiional ‘Upfront Taxes’, but not sure where/how they’re factored in.
Cashdown Tax: $97.09
Upfront Tax: $1174.60

I don’t qualify for fleet. So that kills me. (but gonna try for penfed)

I tried filling out the calculator but cant get the numbers to match.
Almost feel like the MSD’s are not reducing the MF.

Here’s a calculator with NO MSD’s, that’s close to matching the dealer numbers.

And here’s a calculator with the MSD’s that reduces the payment significantly.

Dealer numbers are below.
Is this a good deal?
Both are over 10 in the leashackr score.
Any thoughts/suggestions on my next move?
Thank you all so much!

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Have you adjusted the residual for those miles?

Not sure. How do I know? How do you do that?

The shortcut to doing it on the LH calculator is add the following to your sales price:


Even when I adjust for mileage I’m not getting close to what the dealer is quoting.

Here are the updated calculators without and with the MSD’s:



What am I doing wrong? Appreciate any help!