Off Topic Landfill

Got below email from BMW of SF. ( Not sure about how validity of these ) . Use it at your own discretion .

Not the right thread for random ads. Please post under a new topic. Thanks!

@ursus, @jon, @max_g, could one of you remove the BMW ad 3 posts up to the graveyard?

Hi Ben, how are you paid for your work? Thanks. Dave

This is Review topic, just PM him.

That wasn’t very nice and clearly inappropriate, especially for a “Trusted Hackr”. Shame on you, Uranus.
Yes, I agree, once the lease agreement is signed, everything else is irrelevant… MF’s are not a required disclosure.




Make sure to send it to @vhooloo too, that’s his supervisor

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Good one :grin:

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Wait, is this a joke? I can’t tell. I hope it is. For your sake. Otherwise, you don’t get invited to the hackr parking lot meets.

You are trying to insult me by plagiarizing our Pretty Boy? :grin: Shame on you! :smirk:
P.S. your original post was a classic, you shouldn’t have edited it.
Here it is…

That wasn’t very nice and clearly inappropriate, especially for a “Trusted Hackr”. Who do you think you are?
Yes, I agree, once the lease agreement is signed, everything else is irrelevant… MF’s are not a required disclosure.
I’m going to copy your post and this response and send it to Michael or Victoria in case you have thoughts of deleting this. You need to apologize.

Plagiarizing? Copying my post? Man, you are really obsessed with me and are one sick puppy. Too much time on your hands. Go find something productive to do, assuming you can.

Goodbye bmw. After over 13 cars in last 10 years; our relationship is coming to an end. 2 bmws leases coming due end of the month. Thats going back and looking elsewhere. Another goes back next April.

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Seems to be an interesting strategy- BMW Corp looks to have the dealerships take the brunt of the hit in terms of selling below invoice (fewer discounts & rebates), while BMWFS makes thousands more per lease. I can only see this working if BMW NA sends boatloads of money back to each dealership every month. Otherwise many dealerships are going to get poor.

…waiting to be pulled to off-topic thread…

I agree; trunk cash only way I see them have repeat customers.

Does my VW Tiguan lease ending next month qualify for Conquest? Can’t seem to find anything other than “competitive lease”

Maybe they can complain more to get some other incentives going.

Wow things must be getting ugly for BMWF to backdown on interest hike. Also, if they really truly needed to increase them they would have. So this shows that at times they jack up the rates, but maybe they don’t really need to just yet, but do for a little extra profit.

I’m hoping they add extra incentives. If they adding incentives to loaner cars to fudge new car numbers. Allowing msd to come back in some markets, decreasing money factor. I think the picture isn’t as wonderful as some might think. I know my dealer is hurting; as well as other dealers I have dealt with. Between my family and I we have had over 12 Bmw leases in last 10 years. It has been really bad last few years. Many leaving brand to try other options.

I’m sure some or most BMW dealers are hurting. BMW was set up to move metal, that involved investments in dealer expansion, more employees etc. All of the sudden they decide more profit per unit vs. sales volume, well that left many stores overbuilt, and over staffed. Millions were spent on these new dealerships and they were counting on X amount of sales, now sales are lower at many stores and they are hurting. Sales of BMW USA 2016 vs. 2017 were down 9% for 2017. Yea, sales for YTD 2018 are up a little, but probably won’t be as high as they were in 2016.