Off Topic Landfill

Can you please send me a quote on the first i3 listed? ZIP is 11219.

Can u send me spreadsheet for prices?

Hi Cody
I need to lease a Toyota car from you. Can you send me the link?

I’m in the Bay Area. Would I be able to drive or fly down to pick up a vehicle? Can someone send me a link as well to the spreadsheet please? Apologies if I’ve missed it

Interested in Q3 or Q5. Can you PM me your spreadsheet? Also, do you have previous loaners / certified as well?

Of course it’s non of my business but I am very curious how this could happen?

A nearly 2K car payment is huge! How could things change so dramatically from you thinking this is a good idea to you can’t afford this. You must have been reaching regardless of wether your situation changed or not.

Don’t worry we see it 5 times a day on this site.

That’s even worse. If you have an income heavily dependent on commission why commit to such a huge payment. I just don’t get in general why people stretch so much. I can be driving a 2K per month car. I can technically afford it. But I would be cutting it close and not saving much after all my other expenses.

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Even even people can afford it, the novelty of a 2k/mo car wears off fast. At the end of the day it’s still just a car and doesn’t make you any happier. Then when you’re stuck with that payment it becomes a burden instead of something that makes you happy

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Hey, it could be a number of things including WeWork fallout or Fair app or Tesla becoming leaner…
All goes back to SF area - especially since this is NorCal

Frankly, none of our business. Good luck with the transfer! Wish I had the means to take this beauty off your hands.


and its not just that monthly lease payment, you start adding other costs like registration / Insurance / upkeep costs to these and suddenly that 2K a month becomes more like 3K a month.


My performante makes me happy just looking at it, driving it makes me giddy like a child every time, anytime someone says “idk if $300k for a car is worth it” all it takes is one ride to switch their mind. Its absolutely not a burden, none of my super cars are, and they are the reason i pushed myself to be able to afford such a lifestyle in the first place.

Maybe for YOU its not worth it but thats a personal problem.


So does not getting evicted :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

GLWS! It’s crazy what MB charges on these cars. I was looking at a 19 AM GT convertible ~2 months ago and it came out to roughly 1350 p/ month with taxes, fees, and full MSDS due at signing for 36/7.5k lease on a 140k car. Apples to oranges, but I thought it was an interesting data point.

I am a car guy but I’m not a waste money guy. There’s a lot of beautiful cars you can get for less. 911, McLaren, etc.

Generally speaking I would advise against “guaranteeing” things about people you don’t know anything about. If you think a 2k/mo Mercedes is money “worth it” good for you. I’m debt free and working towards a nice retirement. I’d buy an airplane before I’d buy/lease a 150k car with a 6 cylinder

Sorry you don’t make sense. What’s the point of buying an airplane? Does it make you feel happier? When things go down and you need to spend one million dollars per year to service it, it becomes a burden instead of something that makes you happy :wink:

Also, if you’d buy an airplane before you’d buy a 150k car, it clearly means you’re not a car guy. You do you though.

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Does it all matter?
The guy just wants to transfer his car and not have food fight about the car worth to someone.


Probably you can ask mods to remove off topic posts into landfill

+1 on $2,000 sign & drive mclaren lease which is AT LEAST 5,000 miles per year :slight_smile: I need to see that

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Here’s one for roughly the same amount and 7500 miles/yr

Better deals can be found because I have a good friend driving a 570 for much less

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