Off-Topic Landfill 6

Hey, sorry for bothering you, but I think you guys should transfer this conversation to private messages.

sorry about that , J

That is a really good looking SUV. Why did I think it was much bigger? Or did you take a fishbowl pic?

It’s not as tall as other 7 seater SUVs, but it has plenty of room on the inside, out of spec says the interior is more spacious than R1S

it’s less than this if converted to numbers on a dial pad


Please update pfp accordingly


no way :disguised_face: :disguised_face: :disguised_face:

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WTF LH has become? “LOL”, “You don’t want to know”, “I’m sooo good”. The point is to share deals, and not a dick measuring contest. Just don’t say anything, if you don’t want to.


We already know you’d lose that contest :cowboy_hat_face:


Yeah, that’s BS. Either say it or don’t show anything at all.


The house looks ghetto :wink:

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LH isn’t as it used to be

Years ago you could post every detail, and it was all good because of how tight knit LH was. People would see the deal, and actually use their brain to formulate their own offer and negotiate with dealers. That’s not the case anymore

Now, it’s a giant clusterf*ck, and any time a halfway decent deal gets posted, every dealer (and broker here) of that brand gets blown up by commoners & lurkers, wasting everyone’s time and artificially inflating demand, making it harder for people actually wanting the car to get a deal

Guaranty if Hershey posted his payment (which is, in fact, LOL), every bmw dealer and broker would get mobbed with a screenshot and a stupid text saying “replicate this for me and i’ll sign it instantly!!!” which does no one any good

Rant over


This is how it has always been. I’m not sure what tight knit community era you’re referring to but it definitely wasn’t in 2020

You’re right though, sharing a unicorn payment with no context doesn’t help people, so it’s probably not worth saying anything at all unless it’s just for bragging


Five figure surcharge fixes that problem.

frank costanza facepalm GIF by HULU

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Congratulations, great looking car and looks nicely equipped.

I’ve been around a lot longer than 2020, granted this account was made in 2020

Hershey’s post accomplished enough imo. The forum is on notice that a 2023 8 series can be a good lease. No one needs to know what his payment is. If you go out and negotiate on your own and you are happy with whatever payment results, sign the deal


By default, because I never enter in these contests.
p.s. Still butthurt about those wheels? lol


Who knows what those were accommodating for :see_no_evil::rofl:

Congrats ! Looks beautiful! @HersheySweet

Thats not the purpose of the forum but I get it, its a trophy garage, just share pic n move on.
I liked how Grizzly used to keep in check over here years ago. Honestly was more organized and clean. I woul enjoy scrolling through just kool car pics anytime of day.
Now its like 1 car pic in every 10 posts.