Off-Topic Landfill 6

Dealers should just cross reference leasehackrs and buyers. They check your internet history at the door, if they see you’re trespassed! :joy::joy::joy:

I tried to be as no-fucking-nonsense as I could have been, at least at the start?

Hi, sorry for the late message. I’m in the market for a new EV lease - saw your service on the leasehackr forum and figured I’d inquire.
About me - my name is Name McNamerson. I’m a NY resident - ZIP 00000. Current Costco, Chevy lessee, Cadillac and Lexus owner.
Vehicles Interested in - Polestar 2, Cadillac Lyriq. Heavy incentives make both appealing options right now. Any other models I should be aware of?

“I only have ps2”

Okay! for a midnight dual motor with pilot on 19s what’s the TDAS and monthly inclusive of all taxes and fees


what did I do wrong, there? Please tell me. I know this reads hostile but at this point I’m just frustrated

Had the exact spec I wanted, specified the numbers I was looking for… is that not spoon fed enough? ONE quote on ONE specific car?

for me any kind of response - “sorry can’t help you” to “sure it’s $69/month $420 DAS with free nightly back massages” would have been great.


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100%. Something is worth what someone is willing to pay. Heck, I once gave a broker on here an extra $1000 to rip away a 1/1 deal from someone else a couple years back. The losing party didn’t go blasting the broker’s forum. He took it like a man and moved on. Business is business, and you can’t make it personal.

It’s just diff marketing tactics. I prefer not to do that bc it’s a colossal waste of time for both parties. It’s def predatory for noobs I agree. Anyone that’s a seasoned leaser always looks at the deal from a macro perspective

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You’d be surprised.

I had a very well known and talked about CDJR dealer refuse to offer me the same discount, because I’m a “licensed” broker. The SM literally told me it’s because of my profession …


Where is @Jon with his landfilling and thread-slow-mode when you need him haha.

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The issue is you knew there was a problem with the late text and preemptively apologized for it. I get it you saw his deal and were excited to get things going. That’s what rubbed him wrong initially. Maybe he has a wife that works nights and needs to keep his phone on, or maybe rental properties and needs it for emergencies. Never know the situation. His first post has an email contact. That would be the appropriate way to contact someone at that time.

No one needs a car at 1am…

I can absolutely plug the numbers into the LH calc for myself and/or grab the MF/RV from Edmunds if I need, but it’s about the fact that I actually have to do it. If they advertised straight up like you did I wouldn’t have to bother doing it and I would know the entire price right away, and I say that as someone who knows how to find all the data and work the calc so imagine how annoying and dishonest that pricing tactic feels to a newb - aka a potential customer.

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There’s tech solutions for that. Like I said either, an automatic “not available at this time, will get back to you in 3 business days” would have basically prevented this entire fiasco


Let Mike pop his bottles in peace at 1am! :tumbler_glass: :grinning:

Agreed and that’s why I have a business phone that’s always on silent. But if his business and personal is the same number it may not be possible to filter lease customers from emergencies.

I have no dog in this fight I just wouldn’t personally text someone at 1am for a car. I get texts at that time daily, usually from west coast clients though. But my first post also says how to reach me and text anytime, I’ll get back to you. If I don’t within 24 hours shoot me a follow up.


My phone automatically goes to DND from 11 pm to 7 am. No texts or calls come through unless it’s a number I specify to bypass. So a 1 am text is dumb and unnecessary, yes. But let’s not act like that’s the catalyst to this fiasco. We know who he’s dealing with.


You know, it’s funny - I actually work professional nights, so…

And I DO need a car! and when I’m doing this car-buying work it’s 1AM or 3AM. Clearly I wasn’t expecting a response then – which is actually why I apologized for the curious.

But yeah, after following up Friday at 1pm (as soon as I got up) asking for, well, any specifics – I kind of expected a response that day, or maybe the following. When I was at work last night, yeah, I had a sour taste in my mouth from being ignored.

I’m not a complete novice or rube when it comes to this. My most recent solo successes were a Bolt EV premiere with something like a $44,000 MSRP in June 21 for $204/0+taxes, 36 month. Halfway through I got GM to THEN cut me a fat check for 92% of my lease payments and SoC me into a 23 EUV with supercruise because OG bolts go boom.

I don’t know anyone who pays less for their car than their iPhone. Let alone a semi-autonomous EV. Somehow, I am.

Obviously don’t expect to replicate that but I’m also… not paying list. Doesn’t matter to me how, really.

Before that was a '19 CTS with a 55k MSRP OTD sub $500 on similar 0+taxes terms, 36-er. And before that was a '15 RX350 which, I honestly forget, but we did damn well on too.


You work professionally nights. The auto industry doesn’t. You shouldn’t have texted at that time. He shouldn’t have responded to a customer in that manner. Both of you have the freedom to part ways and do things as you like. There’s repercussions from both angles.

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Trust me dude. I’m surprised that I haven’t been banned from any dealers yet considering I’m “30percentoffandbuyrate” lol.

I know someone who’s been banned from like 30 BMW dealers lol

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Personally, I would have went with the follow up text with something along the lines of “bumping in case you missed this” and prob would have waited till Monday. You went right to sarcasm/insult to someone who’s quick to fire customers.

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You should’ve hired a broker lol

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My business and personal phone is the same so I get it but ignoring and blocking is a lot simpler than being snarky. I’m too lazy to be snarky to some random potential client.

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Duplicate this meme for the Trophy Garage, plz.

Yeah, and I’m a customer who’s quick to fire brokers I guess.

The more you know! It’s kinda like the first time you find yourself in a situationship with a bisexual chick – everything is hunky dory and actually really fun on paper, until you realize you’re competing for your girl’s eye with that leggy blonde who just walked in the bar, and you’re self-employed and driving a Chevy Bolt EV – which you legally could not park at the garage in front of the joint because of the fire recall.

You know, learning experiences.