Off-Topic Landfill 6

Nah, that’s the problem, this industry is already shady, we don’t need to make it more shady by condoning pissing contests (yeah yeah yeah I’m here for the drama but I also realize that is legitimately a livelihood for many brokers)

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I do agree with that. But I still think most of the brokers on here are exhibit even a modicum of customer service skills.

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Aronchi’s reputation is so negative (but he still sells a ton of product and makes fat money… which I guess is all that matters). That you all made fun of me for honestly telling a new user to reach out to him and try to get a deal.

The problem is that some brokers have been alleged to be double dipping without the transparency.

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Well, regardless how good his deal is, it’s such a shame this kind of behavior is tolerated here. Call it for what it is shitty customer service.


I’ve worked with some really shit dealers, some great salesmen, and everything in the conventional scene in between.

Definitely a new low of personal conduct, and I went shopping for Stingers and q50s!

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Well Aronchi isn’t exactly beginner friendly. I’ve used him before and while I personally didn’t have an issue with the guy, I can see how members especially new ones can have issues with him

I wouldn’t expect anything less from that clown with his raging TDS. Doesn’t seem like a very pleasant person to deal with or be around IRL. I’m glad I didn’t use him for my X7 although the broker I used is really slow at replying and following up (won’t name any names but you know who you are). I’ve never done business with him but the broker here that I wish did BMW is @Jrouleau426 . I’ve only ever interacted with him about inquiries for friends and family members but the guy is extremely fast in replying and delivers his replies with all the information you asked for and more. IAC does BMW and seems like a cool broker too.


No one blacklists people. Brokers just give each other a heads up if it’s a difficult customer. We can sell to whoever we choose to. if I heard from a reputable broker that someone canceled multiple deals or has been a huge headache I’d prob pass as well.

Dealers do the same thing and put notes on difficult customers or time wasters. No different.


There should just be better “sorting” of brokers. You want great amazing CS? Go to “XXX” you want no nonsense? Go to “xxx”

Maybe it’s my hubris.

There’s just something rubbing me the entirely wrong way about, well, the whole… power-broker attitude. I don’t need someone to deem me worthy of their broker-ship.

Fuck that, actual noise.

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Be that as it may. Telling someone who reached out to you in good faith to do business with you that you “blacklisted” him with other brokers, true or not, is BS and should not be tolerated here. He is by far the most hostile merchant on this site.


Dude, if dealers had a network to share time wasters, how the heck did you ever get a BMW lease?

I think Jim means that dealers internally flag difficult clients.


Why do you think double dipping isn’t ok? We give you a price and you decide if it’s worth it.

I don’t get paid more then $100 bird dog from dealers and that’s rare so I’m not saying I do it. But I don’t care if my broker makes $10000 off me. What I care about is that I can’t get a better deal elsewhere.

Sorry meant to respond to @li8625


Yeah, I’m just trying to lighten the mood by wondering how Mr.30%offandbuy-rate-MF guy ever got a lease.


Unfortunately for you, none of this is shocking to anyone who is routinely active on this forum. All you had to do was read his posts to know.


There’s a bunch of super highly regarded members who’s been banned from dealers lmao

I personally don’t care about double dipping but I’ve heard rumors of some brokers (obviously not you lol) who get thousands of dollars in bird dog fees while claiming their broker fee was $XXX.

The most egregious one regarding this was a broker (that isn’t on this forum) who charged the client $999 and claimed a down payment of 3k which 2k didnt go to the dealer lmao

I’m more offended by brokers that use disingenuous sales tactics than I am of them double dipping behind the scenes. We’re all here to make (or save) money and feed our families. Brokers like AutoNinjas (or is it AutoCompanion?) that advertise with all possible discounts and all possible incentives that all customers likely won’t qualify for, along with tons of inceptions due at signing in their race to the bottom approach are much worse than double dipping and almost as bad as the entitled attitude brokers like the clown being talked about above. That kind of (disingenuous) advertising may be my least favorite thing about any broker here. I really appreciate how brokers like yourself are straight up and completely honest/transparent about pricing.

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