Off-Topic Landfill 6

Guys. Relax.
This is not even for me, this is even not a “must happen” at all. LOL.
From 5 cars i referred here maybe she will get one card and she will be happy for sure.
My Daughter is 22 and she loves Starbucks. Her budget is limited. This is it.

BTW from people i know personally i always get Don Julio reposado :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

begging for handouts in your daughter’s name just seems kinda icky to me idk


Have you seen the starbucks costs of a 22 yearold female?

Its like a RR payment


Is this true @derekoh1991 ?

Hahah dying

No worries. No more deals . No more Starbucks.
Help Yourself. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’d think so. Where the cash app at? Lol

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He only wants Starbucks gc :joy::joy:

This thread needs a clean up big time @michael


If you don’t want to gift someone a gift card, don’t. But trying to ban it for someone providing deals to the community is nonsense.

Even referrals take time, and this isn’t just telling someone a dealers name, it’s spelling out the deal to them and the dealer.

Otherwise this forum will just become a ground for asking questions, marketplace for brokers or people bragging on the crazy deal they got and refuse to provide any further details.

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Or an Asian dude that lives in NJ…

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Lol ummmmmm… that sounds like exactly what this forum is currently.
But yea, I agree. Complaining about someone requesting a gift cart for a lead is ridic. So much drama for no reason.


Ive got a starbucks gift card loaded to the max ready to go to the first member who can get me a 911 for 1500/month or less. :handshake:


This is sold now — would normally just edit the original post but this thread doesn’t allow it for some reason.

the base trim and T trims have very good residual

If you accept the gift cards, I’ll pay you 50% for them. I spent to much money there as it is.


At least you got the tags for one car… :wink:

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I_ambatman how many cars you gonna be asking about man? You are such a tire kicker. Stop asking about a different car every few days


Batmans’ fight


I didnt know I needed your permission to ask questions of brokers. I was keeping my options open but so sorry for offending your eyes with my questions