Off-Topic Landfill 6

Oh wow…Thanks for the info

Man options for what?? If u need a car u get a car. Until then stop asking about all these cars and having your curiosity going. You just window shopping and tire kicking son

U think I forgot the bad things u said about me? I been watching u tire kick and window shop for far too long. U fraud

LOL did you forget to sign in your other account and you replied to yourself lmao

Lols no. I meant what I said to this fraud im batman

I can sense his phoniness and fraud. This guy is a window shopper and tire kicker.

I feel covid spreading in this thread.

Yo this is funny - Batman’s fighting lollll


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Spammers - [report them here]

it’s all of the migrants, man. they just want RS’s…


How much were your taxes though lol

State Income, Sales, and Property? :joy:


Lol exactly. $90 is crazy though regardless

@djrabbi @IAC enjoy your shitty weather :joy:

Better shitty weather than shitty sidewalks and getting robbed for the privilege. :grin:

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What companies are insuring these RS Etrons? My insurance company is hating the fact I have all these cars now and saying my cap is 4 cars.

@Bostoncarconcierge right now

cc @Benedetto


@aronchi youre the reason for Audis upcoming inventory issues :belarus:


at least that emoji isn’t a star of david. at least you didn’t go there…