Off-Topic Landfill 6

I see :disguised_face:


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15k is nothing i think im under by about 25k.

Yes you qualify.


At least you didnā€™t buy failed student driving

Available for NJ customers

Interested and message sent. Thanks!

Iā€™ve been looking for a low-risk entry into the EV market and this might be it!

Challenger WBHC Manual at a discount would be a huge score.


How much of a ā€œStarbucks gift cardā€ are we talking here? :face_with_monocle:

At what point is this not allowed, if not registered as a broker on LH?

A gift card is the same as cash. It is different if the request is to donate to LH or a charity.

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Hammer Ban GIF


Whatever You think I deserved LOL

The guy is asking for a referral. He isnt asking for a several hundred dollar fee plus god knows how many thousands in bird dogs

Monetary gain is monetary gain. :man_shrugging:

If thatā€™s the case, I couldā€™ve been peddling 4xeā€™s on here all day (during the craze) using my local dealer and collecting gift cards.

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You should have?

I mean if you need the starbucks that bad.

Iā€™ve helped people on here with other brands or deals and been sent bottles of wine. That hardly counts a ā€œbusiness dealā€

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Out of hundreds of people Iā€™ve helped on deals, selling a car or TDM codes a few have proactively sent me something. As long as itā€™s not a requirement, there shouldnā€™t be anything wrong with a fellow LH sending an unsolicited gift.

Requiring a charitable donation also seems kosher for a non-broker to do if itā€™s a great deal.

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You didnā€™t write on your post multiple times Starbucks gift card

My guy over here a beggar :joy::joy::joy:


I donā€™t think heā€™s demanding the gift card. Itā€™s just a way to thank him.

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I 100% agree. Seems to be dancing the line by hinting at payment on the post.

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I think Iā€™ve been to starbucks twice in my life. I refuse to be associated and Iā€™m not paying the price.

So even with gift cards I wouldnā€™t go. :rofl:

@Zenek just change your username to @StarbucksAutoDeals and register to be a broker, easy


With enough star bucks gift cards you too can live across the water from the owner of the Grizzlies!
