Off Topic Landfill 5

If you like restrictions for the sake of restrictions and asking permission for every little thing, Canada sounds like your jam.

Florida besides the weather inland is a fine place.

Freedom isn’t the result of complying harder. :wink:

my god this post. and people wonder why we have so many damn issues.

ah a man who supports the trucker convoy. its always nice to meet them out in the open.

Impressive. You extrapolated that from a pattern that has been witnessed and documented over multiple instances of growing and decaying empires.

Lemme give you an example relevant to the United States…If our forefathers had just complied harder, you’d be sipping afternoon tea right now. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Think SF & NYC have something to say about that.

Look it up. Philadelphia is the highest taxed city…sorry Bridgeport just edged us out

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Newest favorite color.

Thanks Jon for my latest Friday landfill…I have a reputation to uphold.

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Duplicate post.

For a guy that’s leased, flipped and currently has more orders with Chapman you sure seem to try and expose Tom as some kind of thief or incompetent every chance you get.

Have you finished editing your nonsense reply…?
Yes I have leased from Chapman, no I have not flipped it and no I do not have more orders with them.
I posted here to double check that I’m not crazy, are you really trying to defend Tom on a blatant lie?!

Not you hating on Chapman lmao

Pointing out confusion with buyers over MF’s is hating on Chapman?

If you would like I could quote every time you have talked shit about Chapman but yet you still do business with them.

Let’s move on

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Pointing out that 4 days to reply to an email is unacceptable is talking shit ok boss.

Just post to landfill pls

I would buy from the scummiest dealer that tells blatant lies if I can get a good deal from them, im not marrying the dealer, only buying from them.


Hey do you have any Mazda 2022 for leasing? My credit is Tier 2

spreadsheet please…

Can I please get the link too?

Can I get the link to the March spreadsheet?

Can I get the March spreadsheet ?