Off Topic Landfill 5

Bumper bully and or optional frame welded front bumper bar?

Negative, just parked literally bumper into bumper :sweat_smile:

@HersheySweet look what they did to the 4xe :unamused:

Do you do national ship?

Unfortunately not.

Typical from NPR bringing race into the equation…then it’s elderly, then women. How about do some research before you spend that much money on a vehicle! All the info you need takes about 30 mins on forums to find out.

The only thing those studies show me is that middle aged caucasian and Asian men, in general, do more due diligence before making major auto purchases.

Just more capitalism is bad BS and larger government will save us from everything. Terrible article as usual


I wish I could like that twice.


I know white males who paid some stupid lease payments and didn’t know what a MF or RV was…NPR gonna report on that? I guess that doesn’t fit their narrative!


I think the main narrative is that a non-insignificant # of dealerships are more than fine ripping off customers for as much money as they can, regardless of race or sex. Capitalism baby!

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You can say no to anything. That’s part of the due diligence process of learning how to buy a vehicle. Of course they want to sell more items at a higher markup. Like you said. Capitalism baby!

And they didn’t say regardless of race/ sex. They said the complete opposite.


You get the deal you sign for.

99% of people don’t even understand the basic fundamentals of car buying. Ask the general population about buying a car and they’ll act like its as complicated as buying a home.

If someone chooses to be uninformed during a purchase, that’s entirely their fault. Not the fault of the dealer, and not the fault of demographics.

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Isn’t almost any major purchase realized more effectively with research? I don’t know about you but applying the same rigor to insurance, mortgage, banking, home, appliance, electronics shopping saves money and yields a better purchase outcome. I get that car dealers are a rare haggling model, but that helps those of us willing to do battle.

The internet has leveled the playing field but only for those who choose to use it.


Which in turn would say the only truly disadvantaged buyer is one without access to the internet. My 93 yr old grandmother has an iPhone and is able to use it. So no excuse, absolutely everyone has access to the net. Doesn’t matter the demographic. It’s an education and personal finance issue only.

Rule #1. Never enter a dealer except for test drives.

Follow that rule and you can’t be “discriminated” upon. Maybe by one dealer, but not all. Which is why it’s good we have some freedom of choice among brands and franchises


Personal finance is something that they should start teaching in schools. Schools now use online courses for it but they aren’t effective at all

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I think this would have very limited impact.

Look at the math skills of the average person who studied (and passed!) the subject for 12 years, as evidenced by a high school diploma.

And personal finance isn’t really even about math, it’s mainly common sense and impulse control. Good luck teaching those things to people who can’t absorb math.


The issue would be how memorization is more important than actually understanding and building knowledge. Teachers have straight up told me that if you can memorize this for the you’ll pass.

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Personal finance at a very basic level, yes, your points are absolutely correct. However, I think in order for one to really excel… it isn’t quite as simplistic as “should I purchase 100 pairs of shoes, when I only need 10?”. You have a fair grasp on personal finance, so you know exactly what I’m referring to.

I would even venture to say that the picture of the average (and even the above average) person’s level of financial literacy is UGLY. :exploding_head:

How does one memorize algebra?


Remember these formulas and forget about the rest bc they won’t be on the test. Happened to me as well all through school

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