Off Topic Landfill 5

Thanks now I can enjoy those little pops n tarts of the exhaust like you lol :laughing:

Compared to the LT1 they are comical😜


Pops “n Tarts”

That’s a new one :bread:


You should hear em. Cant call em Bangs lol ir whatever people call em these days :rofl:

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Precisely. I’m glad you now understand. You should also stop violating the NJCFA and notify every one of your BMW lessees, that they cannot allow anyone but for their spouse to drive their car…You know, because contracts… :slight_smile: I love how protective the lease brokers are of each other. Hopefully more and more folks will simply use you do get a great deal by themselves.
I have linked the new jersey model jury charge for breach of contract.

Can you share the dealer? I’m in so cal

Please pm the dealership, thx

Can you please share the dealership and person you worked with. Thank you.

Would you PM me the dealer and contact? Thank you in advance.

goto , I like your deal $218 for a premier is unbelievable , how can I sign up for one ? thx

Can you send me the dealer info?

Ok, walk me through this. I’m about to sell a car (month 22 of 24 lease) to a dealer, due to incredible equity right now. Should I be trying to transfer the lease to them instead or is there a better way to approach exit for tax event purposes?

The discussions above are specifically for this Jeep. In your case as it looks like the lease is almost over, so there would be no point in transferring it to anyone else, and I don’t believe there are any leasing companies that would allow a transfer at the point you are at anyway.

I have been suing car dealers in my practice for quite some time now. My legal advice is sound. The last dealer who laughed at me was hit with 10k in attorney fees when I tried a case to unanimous verdict over with minimal damages. That is the beauty of the NJCFA. I suggest that anyone who was lied to by a dealer or broker seek legal advice. Dont take advice from folks who are in the business of screwing you over.


No-one has hired us to represent their interest in resolving this matter, but we’re still going to. This letter serves as an official demand for: stopping text posts in Meme Lounge thread.

If there is no response to this letter by 4/25/2021, all legal rights shall be explored, including, but not limited to, legal proceedings necessary in accordance with State and Federal laws. This notice of demand serves as official notice to you and may be tendered in court as evidence of your failure to cooperate. If legal action is to occur to resolve this matter, it may involve having you pay attorney’s fees.

We hope to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

Bunch of random armchair lawyers

In other words,

When internet lawyers get called out on their misleading and blatantly false advice the proceed, to post jokes. That’s fine, it publicizes the fact that the lease brokers here and dealers regularly violate the NJCFA which gives folks here lots of leverage should they choose to file suit. Remember, if they mislead you or even failed to disclose information they should have they are subject to suit. Moreover, an attorney need only to prove $1 of ascertainable loss to collect attorney fees (and in some specific instances, not loss is required). Therefore, there are lots of firms that will take on what appears to be a small case.

That’s fine, just not in Meme thread

i bet all @brokers and @dealers on this forum can’t wait until you approach them looking for a new car.

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Texted you. Thanks